QuantAsylum / QA40x

Releases (no source) for the QA402 and QA403 Audio Analyzer.
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[Request] Continuous Tone Generation via REST API #2

Closed adam-frisby closed 3 years ago

adam-frisby commented 3 years ago

The QA401 API allows continuous tone to be generated using the GenerateToneStart and GenerateToneStop methods (earlier versions of QAAnalyzer only had a GenerateTone method w/ fixed duration). The QA40x GUI allows for a similar functionality by pressing the "Tone Gen When Idle" button, but this option is not exposed via the REST API.

QuantAsylum commented 3 years ago

Yes, this is a good request. Currently there is POST /AuditionStart and POST /AuditionStop. How about POST /IdleGenerationStart and POST /IdleGenerationStop? There is currently something a bit quirky with idle generation not always starting on first press. That also needs to be fixed. But be aware. We'll aim to add for 0.993

QuantAsylum commented 3 years ago

This is in release 0.993. It changed a bit from above. It's turned on and off like the front-panel button.

PUT /Settings/IdleGen/On


PUT /Settings/IdleGen/Off