QuantConnect / Lean

Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine by QuantConnect (Python, C#)
Apache License 2.0
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Consolidators are not working when adding them after program start #642

Closed michaelsrew closed 7 years ago

michaelsrew commented 7 years ago

Hi, adding consolidators and securities after programm start make a lot of trouble. When testing take a look in the OnData method and the Time.Minute value which should be set.

The following code:


using System.Collections.Generic; using QuantConnect.Data.Market; using System; using QuantConnect.Indicators; using QuantConnect.Data.Consolidators; using QuantConnect.Data;

namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp { ///

/// In this algorithm we demonstrate how to define a universe /// as a combination of use the coarse fundamental data and fine fundamental data /// public class QuantAlgo : QCAlgorithm { private Dictionary<string, SymbolData> Data = new Dictionary<string, SymbolData>(); bool added = false; public override void Initialize() { AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "SPY", Resolution.Second, true, true); }

    /// <summary>
    /// This is our event handler for our 10 minute trade bar defined above in Initialize(). So each time the consolidator
    /// produces a new 10 minute bar, this function will be called automatically. The 'sender' parameter will be the
    /// instance of the IDataConsolidator that invoked the event, but you'll almost never need that!
    /// </summary>
    private void TenMinuteBarHandler(object sender, TradeBar consolidated)

    private void AddConsolidator(string security)
        Console.WriteLine("consolidator added " + security);
        var tenMinuteConsolidator = new TradeBarConsolidator(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));

        // attach our event handler. the event handler is a function that will be called each time we produce
        // a new consolidated piece of data.
        tenMinuteConsolidator.DataConsolidated += TenMinuteBarHandler;

        // this call adds our 10 minute consolidator to the manager to receive updates from the engine
        SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(security, tenMinuteConsolidator);

    /// <summary>
    /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="data">TradeBars IDictionary object with your stock data</param>
    public void OnData(TradeBars data)
        if (Time.Minute == 48 && !added) 
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "ORIG", Resolution.Minute, true, true);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "REN", Resolution.Minute, true, true);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "SDRL", Resolution.Minute, true, true);
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "CYH", Resolution.Minute, true, true);
            added = true;

} } the code above calls the 10 minutes consolidator many times. output:

20161128 20:46:03 Trace:: BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Adding unrequested security: FB 2T 20161128 20:46:03 Trace:: LiveTradingRealTimeHandler.SetupEvents(Equity): Market hours set: Symbol: FB Monday: PreMarket: 04:00:00-09:30:00 | Market: 09:30:00-16:00:00 | PostMarket: 16:00:00-20:00:00 20161128 20:46:03 Trace:: LiveTradingRealTimeHandler.SetupEvents(Equity): Market hours set: Symbol: SPY Monday: PreMarket: 04:00:00-09:30:00 | Market: 09:30:00-16:00:00 | PostMarket: 16:00:00-20:00:00 20161128 20:46:03 Trace:: LiveTradingResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(): Running 20161128 20:46:04 Trace:: LiveTradingDataFeed.AddSubscription(): Added SPY,SPY,Second,TradeBar 20161128 20:46:04 Trace:: AlgorithmManager.Run(): Begin DataStream - Start: 28.11.2016 00:00:00 Stop: 31.12.2050 00:00:00 20161128 20:46:04 Trace:: InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.GetContractDetails(): clientOnContractDetails event: SPY 20161128 20:46:04 Trace:: LiveTradingDataFeed.AddSubscription(): Added FB,FB,Second,TradeBar 20161128 20:46:04 Trace:: LiveTradingResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(): Running 20161128 20:46:04 Trace:: Debug: Launching analysis for QuantAlgo with LEAN Engine v2.2.0.2 20161128 20:46:04 Trace:: InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.GetContractDetails(): clientOnContractDetails event: FB 20161128 20:47:04 Trace:: 2016-11-28 20:47:04Z Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 10 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: LiveTradingDataFeed.AddSubscription(): Added ORIG,ORIG,Minute,TradeBar 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.GetContractDetails(): clientOnContractDetails event: ORIG 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: LiveTradingDataFeed.AddSubscription(): Added REN,REN,Minute,TradeBar 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.GetContractDetails(): clientOnContractDetails event: REN 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: LiveTradingDataFeed.AddSubscription(): Added SDRL,SDRL,Minute,TradeBar 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.GetContractDetails(): clientOnContractDetails event: SDRL 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: LiveTradingDataFeed.AddSubscription(): Added CYH,CYH,Minute,TradeBar 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.GetContractDetails(): clientOnContractDetails event: CYH 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: Debug: consolidator added ORIG 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: Debug: consolidator added REN 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: Debug: consolidator added SDRL 20161128 20:48:00 Trace:: Debug: consolidator added CYH 20161128 20:48:04 Trace:: 2016-11-28 20:48:04Z Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 12 20161128 20:49:04 Trace:: 2016-11-28 20:49:04Z Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 9 20161128 20:50:00 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:00 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:00 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:00 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:01 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:01 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:01 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:01 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:02 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:02 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:02 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:02 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:03 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:03 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:03 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:03 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:04 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:04 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:04 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:04 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:04 Trace:: 2016-11-28 20:50:04Z Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 13 20161128 20:50:05 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:05 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:05 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:05 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:06 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:06 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:06 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:06 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:07 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:07 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:07 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:07 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:08 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:08 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:08 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:08 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:09 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:09 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:09 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:09 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:10 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:10 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:10 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:10 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:11 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:11 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:11 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:11 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:12 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:12 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:12 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:12 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:13 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:13 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:13 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:13 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:14 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:14 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:14 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:14 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:15 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:15 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:15 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:15 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:16 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:16 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:16 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:16 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:17 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:17 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:17 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:17 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:18 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:18 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:18 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:18 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:19 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:19 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:19 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:19 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:20 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:20 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:20 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:20 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:21 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:21 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:21 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:21 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:22 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:22 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:22 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:22 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:23 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:23 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:23 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:23 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:24 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:24 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:24 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:24 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:25 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:25 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:25 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:25 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:26 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:26 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:26 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:26 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:27 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:27 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:27 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:27 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:28 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:28 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:28 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:28 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:29 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:29 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:29 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:29 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:30 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:30 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:30 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:30 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:31 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:31 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:31 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:31 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:32 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:32 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:32 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:32 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:33 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:33 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:33 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:33 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:34 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:34 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:34 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:34 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:35 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:35 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:35 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:35 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:36 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:36 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:36 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:36 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:37 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:37 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:37 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:37 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:38 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:38 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:38 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:38 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:39 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:39 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:39 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:39 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:40 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:40 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:40 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:40 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:41 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:41 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:41 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:41 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:42 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:42 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:42 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:42 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:43 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:43 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:43 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:43 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:44 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:44 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:44 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:44 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:45 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:45 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:45 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:45 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:46 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:46 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:46 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:46 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:47 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:47 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:47 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:47 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:48 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:48 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:48 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:48 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:49 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:49 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:49 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:49 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:50 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:50 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:50 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:50 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:51 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:51 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:51 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:51 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:52 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:52 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:52 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:52 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:53 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:53 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:53 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:53 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:54 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:54 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:54 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:54 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:55 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:55 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:55 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:55 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:56 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:56 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:56 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:56 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:57 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:57 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:57 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:57 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:58 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:58 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:58 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:58 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:50:59 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:59 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:59 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:59 Trace:: Debug: ORIG 20161128 20:51:04 Trace:: 2016-11-28 20:51:04Z Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 7 20161128 20:52:04 Trace:: 2016-11-28 20:52:04Z Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 9

maybe someone can take a look thanks

jaredbroad commented 7 years ago

Looks like its working as expected. The times in the log are your local system time. If you want to see the algorithm time use Time.ToString("u");

Can you point out specifically which logs you think are broken? Please use the file-attach instead of pasting in long logs.

michaelsrew commented 7 years ago

ok, when you take a look on the output it calls the TenMinuteBarHandler for every stock every second: 20161128 20:50:59 Trace:: Debug: REN 20161128 20:50:59 Trace:: Debug: SDRL 20161128 20:50:59 Trace:: Debug: CYH 20161128 20:50:59 Trace:: Debug: ORIG

take a look in the TenMinuteBarHandler method there is a single console.writeline.....but it should be called every 10 minute not every 10 minute 1 minute long and 1 times every second!

you know what i mean. the part with the console.writeline is getting called every 10 minute 1 minute long. thats not good :)

StefanoRaggi commented 7 years ago

@michaelsrew I can confirm the consolidators are emitting once a second after firing at the correct time the first time. The issue is not with the consolidators being called from OnData, but being generated from fill-forward bars. It seems there are also other potential problems using consolidators with fill-forward data (see discussion in PR https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/pull/636).

I would suggest for now to use AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "ORIG", Resolution.Minute, false, true); instead of AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "ORIG", Resolution.Minute, true, true);

michaelsrew commented 7 years ago

ok thanks i will check that. i moved the code-block: AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "ORIG", Resolution.Minute, true, true); AddConsolidator("ORIG"); AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "REN", Resolution.Minute, true, true); AddConsolidator("REN"); AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "SDRL", Resolution.Minute, true, true); AddConsolidator("SDRL"); AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "CYH", Resolution.Minute, true, true); AddConsolidator("CYH");

in the "public override void Initialize()" function and it seems to work with that without any problems. thanks i will check your solution.

StefanoRaggi commented 7 years ago

For completeness I tested PR #636 and it fixes the bug (with no changes to the algorithm)

michaelsrew commented 7 years ago

muchas gracias

michaelsrew commented 7 years ago

Hi, i think this issue can be closed. Thanks for fixing.

StefanoRaggi commented 7 years ago

Fixed in PR #643