QuantEcon / Bookshelf

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Binder integration #15

Open sglyon opened 7 years ago

sglyon commented 7 years ago

Feedback from jupytercon poster session.

This would probably require supplementary mentioned in #11, but it would be cool if we allowed users to specify a python/julia/other config for their notebook so we could have an "open in binder" button that launches an executable version of the notebook.

I view this as a bit orthogonal to or perhaps outside the scope of the project, but I put it up here so others can share their comments.

jstac commented 7 years ago

@mmcky Is keen on this idea. It definitely adds a wow factor --- when you compare to what you can do with a regular online journal article.

As you say, it's orthogonal to other issues so we can put to one side while we get priority issues sorted out. Keen to hear what others think though.

mmcky commented 6 years ago

Current development by the Jupyter team for a binder service: https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub.git

mmcky commented 6 years ago

Here are some information sources: https://blog.jupyter.org/binder-2-0-a-tech-guide-2017-fd40515a3a84 which includes a link the documentation for setting up our own BinderHub and can also federate with the general cloud pool. They are supporting the addition of new entry points other than github so we could make bookshelf forums a source for runnable notebooks.

mmcky commented 6 years ago


jstac commented 6 years ago

I have to say, this would be pretty cool to have working, one day. Sounds like the kind of project a grant organization might like to get behind...