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Visual notification for modal popups #249

Open AtlasMaxima-zz opened 5 years ago

AtlasMaxima-zz commented 5 years ago

Once users hit submit for any of the modal popups, display a notification success to users on home page.

Modal popups:

mmcky commented 5 years ago

@AtlasMaxima is this still an open issue? I know a few modals have now been implemented - are these additional items?

AtlasMaxima-zz commented 5 years ago

@mmcky For edit profile, we currently have the following which I believe we talked about before how we would like to make it more visible instead of having the green banner since after saving the profile, the user would need to scroll up to see the notification.

screen shot 2019-02-19 at 11 18 05 pm

We can change this to a modal saying something like 'Your profile has been saved', indicate in the modal what changes have been made or we can just keep it as it is.

For flag comments & submission, after user has confirm they want to flag, it doesn't have any notification for that.

For submit a submission, theres no modal popup or notification letting the user know that their submission has been submitted and it just redirects user back to the home page.

If we decide to keep the green banner such as the one in edit profile after saving it, we can apply the same banner for the rest or set modals for all of them to notify the user. What are your thoughts on this?

DrDrij commented 5 years ago

I'd suggest after a user hits Save/Update Profile it redirects the user to their updated profile page?

And the same action for a submission - taking user to the submitted notebook page?