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HTTPS OAuth authentication redirect_uri error #311

Closed AakashGfude closed 5 years ago

AakashGfude commented 5 years ago

At present the https migration is causing authentication issues for users. We have tried some steps in the development server to mitigate this.

1) We set the development server to use staging load balancer instead of the direct IP in AWS.

2) Added redirect url for port 8443 https://development-notes.quantecon.org:8443/api/auth/google/callback to the google search console.


3) Added harcoded callbackURL in /server/js/auth/_config.js for testing :- configcallbackurl

4) Exposed port 8443 for docker in Dockerfile-server :- dockerfile

5) added port-forwarding in docker-compose.yml to point to 8080 :- docker-compose

6) made sure there was no cached version being used while building docker :-


Although we were able to access see the google interface for authentication :-


But the redirect url is not able to access the server via 8443.


mmcky commented 5 years ago

thanks @AakashGfude this is really nicely documented. I'll also add @DrDrij to this discussion.

DrDrij commented 5 years ago

@AakashGfude This is fantastic. Thanks for progress here!

What I'm noticing while troubleshooting the site through the load balancer:



Request URL: https://accounts.google.com/signin/oauth/consent?authuser=0&part=AJi8hAMAMlxmnlTtAi2NMW7DkYW66PeyJR9dCRSvmVm9QdB835Vu9RiXrwvK3AoyDMoGmkxEvUhS0TXSrLzKywvp2z2EMwkDq4gEk0n5dh4o5nw9kHJmSJUOw88NJCLct7hd-dmBG47-anqh_Bb0z99bF2uAwCDvZ_2UtmiOs5gopkONsTfMrZoh3T44vjTKgzULczj6v1KTA8T2qTAILiEanWGzMIhmHpxt1OybVpOcdebvUhMDwJaoXkNwVoWbLMSfd9jrtta0uoS3d9Wy5akm0pSX-zVgGg2iUJwTLOIAZ4QilMNcOMpQ7Ye5zpgxP78Nb7UgS-yT34E8A3P5IFnR2HYLA8wUbW-nhouIOwR05ohftztI4EAYevpO_nXaJnQKf3ySYiuV69hTV9H6vP0enW-CO1SXVvpr2tuiWPFFpscWI8AjwYpyGoi6tOxAYcH5UEuKh_-_SY41JHB7QLjc06geqY0Fjg&as=vg6JwuLiqnFqNebIlrd1Uw&rapt=AEjHL4MNy6dl0PMHMVinxLg7ZIPUOeUj6FZfICRQAuDA8vhnhUTwU5NfJELbZHc1bwb7MMHwyMDmnLTxwo7GljK-T0U5CsR6Xw

Request URL: http://development-notes.quantecon.org:8080/api/auth/google/callback?code=4%2FxwBuw-de7T2NOcMUCUtoshCQeWYbf_sl0lKjvlIaMDiJNrHfng_eG86scyQhJv9VKaC1Ju_xXqJsSX4uGW3XWTI&scope=openid+email+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.email+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fplus.me


I've gone through and made sure the security profiles for the load balancer and instance have all the required ports open.


My feeling is its still a redirection issue. I'm not sure how I can help further. One thing that made a difference was going to google.com and logging the browser out before testing.

I see Twitter auth will also need the configuration updated. Maybe somewhere to start as it may highlight something outstanding? 🤔

AakashGfude commented 5 years ago

Hi @DrDrij , you are right, it is definitely a redirection issue. Sorry, I had reverted all the changes we had done on development, so that the development environment remains consistent with other environmnets for testing other things. After the changes we had made, the redirect URL which you are getting Request URL: http://development-notes.quantecon.org:8080/api/auth/google/callback? should point to 8443, but the issue was still there because of some missing port configuration or something. If you are working on this tonight, then drop me a message so that I apply all the changes we had done on development and then we can pick up from there. I will also be available tonight, if we can work on this together.

AakashGfude commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue as it has been resolved