QuantEcon / lecture-intro.zh-cn

An Undergraduate Lecture Series for the Foundations of Computational Economics (Chinese Language)
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Translation Lecture Ownership -- Initial Translation #6

Closed mmcky closed 1 month ago

mmcky commented 2 months ago

This is a list of files to help us coordinate who will translate which files. Please feel free to take ownership of individual files (but edit this top level box and put your @ name behind the file to help coordinate with the team.

Introduction (@SylviaZhaooo)

Economic Data (@HumphreyYang)

Foundations (@longye-tian)

Linear Dynamics: Finite Horizons (@longye-tian)

Linear Dynamics: Infinite Horizons (@longye-tian)

Probability and Distributions (@SylviaZhaooo)

Nonlinear Dynamics (@longye-tian)

Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions (@SylviaZhaooo)

Stochastic Dynamics (@HumphreyYang)

Optimization (@longye-tian)

Modeling in Higher Dimensions (@longye-tian)

Markets and Competitive Equilibrium (@SylviaZhaooo)

Estimation (@SylviaZhaooo)


HumphreyYang commented 2 months ago

Hi guys,

May I propose the following workflow:

We create a PR once a lecture is done and add it to the TOC file.

I will try to put a PR first and would @mmcky please help us set up the Github workflow on the PR so we can have a preview?

I think matplotlib sometimes fails to show Chinese:


So having a build for each PR might help us check the output!

Please let me know your thoughts on this. If it sounds good, I will empty the TOC file first and put in a PR that adds one lecture to the TOC.

mmcky commented 2 months ago

@HumphreyYang I agree with this workflow suggestion.

Once the first PR is added I will go ahead and setup all the GitHub side infrastructure for compiling the project and building previews etc.

HumphreyYang commented 2 months ago

Thanks @mmcky,

I will work on this later today.

HumphreyYang commented 2 months ago

Hi guys, I found there are some words that we used a lot across lectures. I have started a wiki page to unify the translation of those words:


It would be great if you can add words you encountered into the list!

mmcky commented 2 months ago

thanks @longye-tian @SylviaZhaooo @HumphreyYang -- we are close to closing this issue.

@SylviaZhaooo or @longye-tian would you have any time to handle the other section of translations. They are pretty short pages.

SylviaZhaooo commented 2 months ago

Hi @mmcky,

I can handle the other section and finish it this week.

mmcky commented 1 month ago

Thanks everyone.

I think the only one remaining is scalar_dynam

mmcky commented 1 month ago

thanks @HumphreyYang @SylviaZhaooo and @longye-tian