QuantEcon / lecture-julia.myst

Lecture source for "Quantitative Economics with Julia"
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simulate not exported and therefore not available when using QuantEcon #273

Closed orangebacked closed 1 year ago

orangebacked commented 1 year ago

the function simulate within src/markov/mc_tools.jl is not exported and therefore not available when using QuantEcon.

jlperla commented 1 year ago

@orangebacked Thanks! What lecture did this break on?

orangebacked commented 1 year ago

This one! https://python.quantecon.org/finite_markov.html . You're welcome :)

jlperla commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I am a little confused. I think you mean the julia lectures. If so then https://julia.quantecon.org/introduction_dynamics/finite_markov.html doesn't seem to have any issues in the sourcecode for the elcture? If it is the python lectures then the source is in a different repo I can track down

orangebacked commented 1 year ago

I tried to replicate the mistake and it doesn't appear anymore, I'm sorry sometimes julia works in mysterious ways (also I didn't clean the workspace so probably there was a conflict something I was running before). Let me know If I can help you with something, I'd be happy to collaborate in this repo.

jstac commented 1 year ago

Thanks @orangebacked , all help is appreciated :-)

@jperla is managing this repo and there are usually some open issues you can tackle. Another option is to convert existing Python lectures into Julia lectures. But please coordinate with @jlperla if you're going to do that.

jlperla commented 1 year ago

Thanks @orangebacked

I understand what you mean about mysterious julia ways. Sounds like the sort of thing that pops up when you mix packages with Julia. If you did an include on a package (or wrote your own function called simulate before using one in quantecon.jl package was included, then it could cause that sort of issue.