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Add back in Krylov methods for matrix-free methods #282

Open jlperla opened 8 months ago

jlperla commented 8 months ago

The deprecation of the DiffEqOperators package changes how we need to do matrix-free linear exponentials. Will require the updated packages, but code removed for now.

Old myst code.

  As a final demonstration, consider calculating the full evolution of the $psi(t)$ Markov chain.  For the constant
  $Q'$ matrix, the solution to this system of equations is $\psi(t) = \exp(Q') \psi(0)$

  Matrix-free Krylov methods using a technique called [exponential integration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_integrator) can solve this for high-dimensional problems.

  For this, we can set up a `MatrixFreeOperator` for our `Q_T_mul!` function (equivalent to the `LinearMap`, but with some additional requirements for the ODE solver) and use the [LinearExponential](http://docs.juliadiffeq.org/latest/solvers/ode_solve.html#Exponential-Methods-for-Linear-and-Affine-Problems-1) time-stepping method.

  ```{code-cell} julia
  using OrdinaryDiffEq, DiffEqOperators

  function solve_transition_dynamics(p, t)
      (; N, M) = p

      psi_0 = [1.0; fill(0.0, N^M - 1)]
      O! = MatrixFreeOperator((dpsi, psi, p, t) -> Q_T_mul!(dpsi, psi, p), (p, 0.0),
                              size = (N^M, N^M), opnorm = (p) -> 1.25)

      # define the corresponding ODE problem
      prob = ODEProblem(O!, psi_0, (0.0, t[end]), p)
      return solve(prob, LinearExponential(krylov = :simple), tstops = t)
  t = 0.0:5.0:100.0
  p = default_params(; N = 10, M = 6)
  sol = solve_transition_dynamics(p, t)
  v = solve_bellman(p)
  plot(t, [dot(sol(tval), v) for tval in t], xlabel = L"t", label = L"E_t(v)")

  The above plot (1) calculates the full dynamics of the Markov chain from the $n_m = 1$ for all $m$ initial condition; (2) solves the dynamics of a system of a million ODEs; and (3) uses the calculation of the Bellman equation to find the expected valuation during that transition.  The entire process takes less than 30 seconds.