QuantEcon / lecture-python-intro

An Undergraduate Lecture Series for the Foundations of Computational Economics
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[inflation_history] Price Level Histories Editorial Suggestions #390

Open HumphreyYang opened 3 months ago

HumphreyYang commented 3 months ago



jstac commented 3 months ago

Is "1/cents per polish mark" the same as "polish marks per cent"? In which case let's change to "Polish marks per US cent".

@mmcky This has come up a few times: "Set global dpi default." We are referring to fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=200) and similar.

We strive for uniformity in the figures and code that creates them, so ordinary figures should not be deviating from defaults. If they need to, then the defaults need to be fixed. Can we please have a policy on this?