Alternatively you could have another line there where you run julia with `julia --project=@. -e 'using Plots, Distributions, Parameters, NLsolve, ForwardDiff, Expectations"'
Or something like that... I think if this adds 3-4'ish minutes to the setup, it is probably worth it for the better experience post installation. Plots would always be used, and I think most of the others are relatively fast.
The other changes there: We need to put in the version number, and to modify this when we bump versions along with the other file there.
I found that preventing reinstallation with a if ! command -v julia 3>&1 > /dev/null may have been useless since after juila installation, the %% python magic wasn't even supported?
We can't precompile everything, but it might help to precompile the most commonly used packages? Maybe try changing to soemthing like
Alternatively you could have another line there where you run julia with `julia --project=@. -e 'using Plots, Distributions, Parameters, NLsolve, ForwardDiff, Expectations"'
Or something like that... I think if this adds 3-4'ish minutes to the setup, it is probably worth it for the better experience post installation. Plots would always be used, and I think most of the others are relatively fast.
The other changes there: We need to put in the version number, and to modify this when we bump versions along with the other file there.
I found that preventing reinstallation with a
if ! command -v julia 3>&1 > /dev/null
may have been useless since after juila installation, the%%
python magic wasn't even supported?