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Migration of Lectures to MyST / Jupyter-Book #41

Closed mmcky closed 1 year ago

mmcky commented 3 years ago

This Issue documents what needs to be done to migrate our lectures over to use the new jupyter-book platform. The current system builds myst well -- but we will need to add some site generation / assembly features before we can migrate our projects over to use the new platform.

We will focus on lecture-python-programming

Missing Features:

Setup support for chapter level pdf files:

New Infrastructure:

  1. Development of a new quantecon theme that is used with jupyter-book platform
mmcky commented 3 years ago

We have a number of avenues underway to address these in preparation for migration.

Trial Migration:

lecture-python-programming.myst has been set up to test a migration. Saya is helping with the manual components to see how we can improve sphinxcontrib-tomyst and what will need to be done manually.

Theme Development:

A theme repository has been setup with similar structure to sphinx-book-theme in preparation for quantecon-book-theme for jupyter-book.

Timeline: DRAFT due 14th September 2020

Coverage / Badge Support:

@AakashGfude is currently working with sphinx-book-theme to see how we can integrate status badges from the exeuction statistics being produced by jupyter-cache

Timeline: TBD

Fixes for Numbered HTML Headers:

Some reference code has been found to support part in html output. Work is underway to update it from sphinx=1.5 to sphinx=3+ to see if that will be a fruitful avenue to fix the current issues with numbering and get closer harmony between html and latex outputs.

Work is contained in sphinx-parttoc-numbering which will hopefully serve as a sphinx extension.

Planned Support Post Deployments:

mmcky commented 3 years ago

Update: 14-Sep-2020

Initial Migration does not require:

  1. Status Badges and Execution Stats (but nice to develop for EBP)
  2. Remove Colab support (focus on jupyter-book execution options) and perhaps reintroduce support later on.
  3. PDF (individual files built by LaTeX) can be supported via Javascript scraping on launch and migrated to LaTeX files later on.
  4. Support "code-only" downloadable notebooks for now (if no simple fix for contextual link updates)
mmcky commented 1 year ago

This issue is old and can be closed. Our operations have fully migrated to Jupyter-book and myst including download notebooks that are constructed using sphinx-tojupyter