Quantum-Many-Body / QuantumLattices.jl

Julia package for the construction of quantum lattice systems.
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More examples for better documentation #15

Closed EigenSolver closed 1 year ago

EigenSolver commented 2 years ago

I am quite interested in this package as a tool to tackle quantum many body system in physics. However, I found the documentation quite primitive, lacking examples to clarify the usage.

I want to know is there any way to implement a Hamiltonian using spin matrices? And if there is any way to implement a time evolution?

waltergu commented 2 years ago

I am quite interested in this package as a tool to tackle quantum many body system in physics. However, I found the documentation quite primitive, lacking examples to clarify the usage.

I want to know is there any way to implement a Hamiltonian using spin matrices? And if there is any way to implement a time evolution?

I am sorry for the poor documentation...

As for the implementation of a Hamiltonian using spin matrices, did you mean that you want to obtain the matrix representation of a quantum spin system? Basically, this can be done by one more kron step based on the operator representation of the spin system. I think in principle, with the matrix representation of the Hamiltonian, you can implement the time evolution algorithm.

I can provide some examples on spin systems in future comments if you are interested.

GiggleLiu commented 2 years ago

You can try Yao, although this package is not designed for condensed matter physics. It can help you demo functionalities quickly.

julia> using Yao

# heisenberg Hamiltonian
julia> function heisenberg(nbit::Int; periodic::Bool=true)
           map(1:(periodic ? nbit : nbit-1)) do i
               repeat(nbit,X,(i,j)) + repeat(nbit, Y, (i,j)) + repeat(nbit, Z, (i,j))
           end |> sum
heisenberg (generic function with 1 method)

julia> h = mat(heisenberg(20));  # takes ~1.832883 seconds + static overhead

# time evolution
julia> te_operator = time_evolve(cache(heisenberg(20)), 0.1);

julia> reg = zero_state(20);

julia> reg |> te_operator  # perform time evolution
ArrayReg{1, ComplexF64, Array...}
    active qubits: 20/20

# getting matrix representation
julia> h = mat(heisenberg(20))
1048576×1048576 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64} with 11164824 stored entries:

Not sure it can satisfy your need, it is not optimal in performance because it does not utilize the symmetries like translational invariance, SU(2) symmetry et. al.

EigenSolver commented 2 years ago

@GiggleLiu @waltergu Thank you Gu and Leo, I have been a user of Yao.jl since 2018. I also contribute a small part in QuantumBFS/QuAlgorithmZoo.jl, as you may have noticed. :smiley:

For my current study, I don't need a full Hamiltonian-simulation, it's simply impossible since I am working on spin ensembles with thousands of spins. Statistical approaches like Monte-Carlo is what I need for this moment. I am just curious about what I can do with Julia.

But still, I am quite happy that there are more and more Julia packages in general condensed matter physics and quantum computing field. I will keep following all the updates and progresses, and if possible, contribute some part to your works.