Quantum-Universal-Education / Quantum-Universal-Education.github.io

Welcome to this community-driven, open-source educational website for learning about all aspects of quantum computing across the full stack, from hardware to algorithms to everything in between and adjacent! Whether you are new to quantum science, filling in gaps in your foundation of knowledge, or supplementing a course you are taking, our goal is to help you learn based on your interests and background knowledge. We are always open to recommendations and contributions from the quantum computing community.
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Design a buzzfeed like quiz [unitaryhack] #25

Closed MaldoAlberto closed 2 years ago

MaldoAlberto commented 2 years ago

This issue is available during the UnitaryHACK:

Bounty: $50 and a free PIQUE t-shirt :1st_place_medal:

Note: Teams of 1-5 people are suggested :busts_in_silhouette:

We encourage teamwork, especially from multiple areas. So for team formation if you are interested in working on this please comment on this issue!

At the beginning of Quantum Universal Education, a proposal was made to make a quiz to identify in a friendly and pleasant way the attitudes of people working in this incredible area that is quantum computing.

Therefore, we have this issue which is to make a web page that will be placed on our website fullstackquantumcomputation :computer:, and must have the following considerations design a buzzfeed like quiz, consider 10 areas of quantum science and a catchphrase for each:

  1. hardware happener - you push the limits of nature to make possible a new type of computer
  2. software strategist - you engineer the bridge from hardware to algorithm
  3. algorithm ace - you're the top of the stack and carry the team's aspirations
  4. computer architecture cartographer - you map out unexplored territory
  5. chemistry clairvoyant - you saw the future where you will be among the first users of commercial quantum computers
  6. communication climb-tack - you pave the way to courier information to hard-to-reach places
  7. cryptography craftsmaster - you refine protocols to protecc us all
  8. theory thoughtcaster - you build our foundations of quantum mechanics and information
  9. sensing sleuth - you chase leads detecting defects or synthesizing more sophisticated sensors
  10. applications afficionado - you have the joy of using emerging technologies to tackle problems from new angles

If you have doubts about this proposal, you can write here :+1:

RamAIbot commented 2 years ago

Hi, I can do web development if anyone wants to collaborate.

MaldoAlberto commented 2 years ago

Hi @RamAIbot ! You can indicate in this discord channel if you are interested in looking for a team: https://discord.com/channels/764231928676089909/812087730409963520

smendoncabruna commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am interested in joining this project!

MaldoAlberto commented 2 years ago

Hi @smendoncabruna !

Sounds great! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them through this repository

arthurfaria commented 2 years ago

Hello, I am also interested in it!

MaldoAlberto commented 2 years ago

Hi @arthurfaria ! you have some couples of hours :+1:

MaldoAlberto commented 2 years ago

Hi @smendoncabruna ! few hours left for the unitaryhack deadline, how is it going ? any doubts or just putting the final touches ?

RamAIbot commented 2 years ago

Hi @MaldoAlberto , We are done with developing the website for the issue. We are a team of 4 people. How do I send a PR?

smendoncabruna commented 2 years ago

Hi @smendoncabruna ! few hours left for the unitaryhack deadline, how is it going ? any doubts or just putting the final touches ?

I'm with @RamAIbot, @Varary73 and @arthurfaria . We are done, we juts need the PR instructions :)

MaldoAlberto commented 2 years ago

Hi @smendoncabruna ! few hours left for the unitaryhack deadline, how is it going ? any doubts or just putting the final touches ?

I'm with @RamAIbot, @Varary73 and @arthurfaria . We are done, we juts need the PR instructions :)

Hi @smendoncabruna ! for this project it should be in the _pages folder, add if you are using more files create another folder right there. It's almost there, it's almost there, I'm waiting for your PR

RamAIbot commented 2 years ago

I have created a PR now. Let me know of any changes.
