QuantumBA / react-web-gifted-chat

💬 The most complete chat UI for React Native
MIT License
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Problem with styles #2

Open selyon opened 5 years ago

selyon commented 5 years ago

I have a problem using gifted chat inside my react application, I use Fuse React and Material UI to style my project.

This is the error i get when the chat component tries to render an image or the send button

The above error occurred in the <div> component:
    in div
    in TouchableOpacity
    in Send
    in div
    in View
    in div
    in View
    in InputToolbar
    in div
    in View
    in GiftedChat (at src/index.js:28)

Consider adding an error boundary to your tree to customize error handling behavior.
Visit https://fb.me/react-error-boundaries to learn more about error boundaries.
TypeError: CSS2Properties doesn't have an indexed property setter for '0'

It's caused by something inside TouchableOpacity, but i don't know how to fix this. I tried to use a new Fuse React application, empty, without any style, but it's not working. The error only occur on Firefox 64.0.2

mohitaddval commented 5 years ago

Seems this library is broken, the version 0.6.3 is crashing when you start typing.

mohitaddval commented 5 years ago

For your help you can downgrade your version to 0.1.3 that works. "react-web-gifted-chat": "^0.1.3",