QuantumBFS / CuYao.jl

CUDA extension for Yao.jl
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Calculating gradients with cureg #56

Open kyriienko opened 4 years ago

kyriienko commented 4 years ago

Not sure if it should an enhancement or fix, but I noticed that quantum backpropagation does not work with a GPU register (reg |> cu). It raises "scalar getindex is disallowed" warning. Is there a workaround? GPU operation for expect'(..) can speed up calculations by a lot.

GiggleLiu commented 4 years ago


If your operation contains only rotation block, a simple patch should make it work. (Or decompose your circuits to rotation gates)

e.g. the variational circuit in YaoExtensions

julia> using CuYao

julia> reg = rand_state(20) |> cu
ArrayReg{1, Complex{Float64}, CuArray...}
    active qubits: 20/20

julia> using YaoExtensions

julia> c = variational_circuit(20, 10)
nqubits: 20
├─ chain
│  ├─ chain
│  │  ├─ put on (1)
│  │  │  └─ rot(X, 0.0)
│  │  └─ put on (1)
│  │     └─ rot(Z, 0.0)

julia> using CuArrays

julia> YaoBlocks.AD.as_scalar(x::CuArray) = Array(x)[]   # the patch!

julia> expect'(heisenberg(20), reg=>c)
ArrayReg{1, Complex{Float64}, CuArray...}
    active qubits: 20/20 => [0.006080860730138406, 0.0012417146161135244, 0.0007451153265575091, 0.0011842974467126087, 0.008333432623283833, -0.004009333674749263, 0.002908613188036634, 0.0033043493935384135, -0.003400034029173132, -0.004841144309199607  …  -0.0007351555978013533, -0.001984034465488934, 8.974137744951463e-5, -0.002936202848530067, 0.0014057599337781372, 0.0027325843231737826, -0.0003051050671262587, -0.004119464235446285, 0.003910598509407808, 0.0031037580186253078]

This is because we forbid scalar access to CuArrays in CuYao to prevent incorrect access. We will add this patch in CuYao later.

For non-rotation block, a lot extra work is required to work around the share write issue on GPU.

kyriienko commented 4 years ago

@GiggleLiu Thank you, Leo! This worked well for rotation gates.

For the generic case, in principle one can use a decomposition into cnots + rotations. There is a problem however when rotations shall have same angle -- dispatch! and update! will treat them as separate variables (e.g. if we want to use Rx(-ϕ) CNOT Rx(ϕ) ). Is there a way to link rotations together? I know repeat(Rx(ϕ), 1:n) will work like this, but has limited applicability.

GiggleLiu commented 4 years ago

Good point. Yao can not handle shared parameters properly. But Zygote can.


Note: (or negation) is a classical operation, Yao is unable to handle classical computational graph. This part should be done with Zygote. The zygote patch defines the adjoint for dispatch!, which can help you port the world of Yao and Zygote.


Zygote is a quite flexible AD framework, but requires some try and error. If you have any problem using it feel free to ping me in this issue or in Julia slack, #autodiff, #quantum-computing or #yao-dev channel. (https://slackinvite.julialang.org/)

Here is a project that combines Yao and neural networks, https://github.com/wangleiphy/BetaVQE.jl

wangleiphy commented 4 years ago

I guess the @GiggleLiu 's point is not to replace expect' by Zygote, but combine them together. For example, you can fill a parameter array with shared parameters, and then dispatch them into a circuit. Then expect' will give you gradient of the parameter array, and Zygote will correctly collect gradient of shared parameters.

GiggleLiu commented 4 years ago

Sure, I am not suggesting using the backward rules generated by Zygote, but gluing the backward rules in Yao with Zygote.

BTW: mutating arrays are not properly supported in Zygote yet, so it will throw an error if you don't import the patch file in the example.

kyriienko commented 4 years ago

Thanks @GiggleLiu @wangleiphy I joined Slack channels, so will be learning AD, and look into beta-VQE.

jlbosse commented 2 years ago

I have got GPU backprop to work for gates of the form e^{-i \theta H} with a known and simple H as follows:

    HEVGate <: PrimitiveBlock{2} 

Time evolution with the Heisenberg interaction gate.
mutable struct HEVGate{T<:Real} <: YaoBlocks.PrimitiveBlock{2}

function Yao.mat(::Type{T}, gate::HEVGate) where {T<:Real}
    return Complex{T}[exp(-1im*gate.theta) 0 0 0;
                      0 exp(1im*gate.theta)*cos(2gate.theta) -1im*exp(1im*gate.theta)*sin(2gate.theta) 0;
                      0 -1im*exp(1im*gate.theta)*sin(2gate.theta) exp(1im*gate.theta)*cos(2gate.theta) 0;
                      0 0 0 exp(-1im*gate.theta)]

function Yao.mat(::Type{T}, gate::HEVGate) where {T<:Complex}
    return T[exp(-1im*gate.theta) 0 0 0;
             0 exp(1im*gate.theta)*cos(2gate.theta) -1im*exp(1im*gate.theta)*sin(2gate.theta) 0;
             0 -1im*exp(1im*gate.theta)*sin(2gate.theta) exp(1im*gate.theta)*cos(2gate.theta) 0;
             0 0 0 exp(-1im*gate.theta)]

@const_gate HEVGenerator::ComplexF64 = [1 0 0 0; 0 -1 2 0; 0 2 -1 0; 0 0 0 1]
@const_gate HEVGenerator::ComplexF32

Base.show(io::IO, block::HEVGate{T}) where {T} = print(io, "$(HEVGate){$T}($(block.theta))")
YaoBase.niparams(::HEVGate) = 1
YaoBase.getiparams(block::HEVGate) = block.theta
YaoBase.setiparams!(block::HEVGate, param::Real) = (block.theta = param; block)
Base.adjoint(block::HEVGate) = HEVGate(-block.theta)
YaoBlocks.cache_key(block::HEVGate) = block.theta
YaoAPI.nqudits(::HEVGate) = 2

# Here comes the actual AD part. 
function YaoBlocks.AD.backward_params!(st, block::PutBlock{D,<:Any, HEVGate{T}}, collector) where {D,T}
    out, outδ = st
    in = copy(out)
    ham = put(nqudits(block), block.locs => HEVGate)
    g = state(in |> ham) ⋅ state(outδ)
    pushfirst!(collector, -imag(g))

function YaoBlocks.AD.apply_back!(st, block::PutBlock{D,<:Any, HEVGate{T}}, collector) where {D,T}
    out, outδ = st
    adjblock = block'
    YaoBlocks.AD.backward_params!((out, outδ), block, collector)
    in = apply!(out, adjblock)
    inδ = apply!(outδ, adjblock)
    return (in, inδ)

Maybe this helps getting AD to work more generally on GPUs?

Roger-luo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the note! we recently have an efficient CUDA implementation of time evolution using Krylov to be open sourcing soon, we will integrate that implementation to solve this issue eventually.

GiggleLiu commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for the note! The AD rule in YaoBlocks is actually correct. But the time evolution on GPU somehow does not work. I am submiting a PR to ExponentialUtilities to fix the issue: https://github.com/SciML/ExponentialUtilities.jl/pull/84

It is only a temporary solution, @Roger-luo 's implementation is definitely more trust-worthy.