QuantumBFS / Yao.jl

Extensible, Efficient Quantum Algorithm Design for Humans.
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Inconsistent result from measure #317

Closed Roger-luo closed 2 years ago

Roger-luo commented 2 years ago

From slack

bug report found by @Stefano Barison while working with Yao: If you measure an operator on a state, and the operator has two blocks that cancel out each-other, you get wrong result that does not match what expect would tell you

using Yao, Statistics

circ_wfn = zero_state(2) |> put(2, 1=>H)

sp = put(2, 1=>(X + 1im*Y)/2)
X_diff = sp + sp'
X_bare = put(2, 1=>X)

# check they are identical
Matrix(X_bare) == Matrix(X_diff).              # True

expect(X_diff, circ_wfn)                       # 0.9999999999999998 + 0.0im
expect(X_bare, circ_wfn)                       # 0.9999999999999998 + 0.0im

measure(X_diff, circ_wfn, nshots=100) |> mean  # 0.0 + 0.0im
measure(X_bare, circ_wfn, nshots=100) |> mean  # 1.0 + 0.0im