QuantumBFS / Yao.jl

Extensible, Efficient Quantum Algorithm Design for Humans.
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A tiny bug in Yao.EasyBuild #377

Closed yuyuexi closed 2 years ago

yuyuexi commented 2 years ago

Hi, there.

I find there might be a bug in the definition of Yao.EasyBuild.variational_circuit method

At line 115 variational_circuit(nbit::Int, nlayer::Int; kwargs...) = variational_circuit(nbit, nlayer, pair_ring(nbit), kwargs...),

the right side is not a valid method. So, the third comma should be a semicolon. The right definition is as following: variational_circuit(nbit::Int, nlayer::Int; kwargs...) = variational_circuit(nbit, nlayer, pair_ring(nbit); kwargs...).