QuantumBFS / Yao.jl

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YaoExtension incompatible w/ stable Yao version #400

Closed fauseweh closed 2 years ago

fauseweh commented 2 years ago

I am using YaoExtension to setup variational circuits but I need features from the currently stable yao version. Right now YaoExtensions at 0.2.5 is compatible only with v0.7.4, and for 0.8 and beyond there is no compatible YaoExtensions version in the julia package manager.

What is the holdup in YaoExtension and what needs to be fixed for it?

Roger-luo commented 2 years ago

Hi as mentioned in its README, it's now deprecated in favor of Yao.EasyBuild module as builtin.

fauseweh commented 2 years ago

Ahh yes just found it. The syntax of variational_circuit is now a bit different but I found a work around. Thanks!