QuantumBadger / Speedy2D

Rust library for hardware accelerated drawing of 2D shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API.
Apache License 2.0
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Consider exposing window size from Graphics2D #76

Closed matklad closed 1 year ago

matklad commented 1 year ago

When drawing onto a resizable window, it's useful to know the current window size. Right now, I get it by storing the current size in my Handler and updating it on on_draw, but it would perhaps be more natural to have something like

impl Graphics2D {
    fn size(&self) -> Vec2;

Just so that one doesn't need to think about converting between integral pixels and float coordinates graphics is using for most stuff.

dennisorlando commented 1 year ago

Would #78 be a solution? It's not attached directly to Graphics2D but to the WindowHelper that gets passed with the draw() methods

matklad commented 1 year ago


QuantumBadger commented 1 year ago

Now merged, thank you @dennisorlando!