QuantumEntangledAndy / neolink

An RTSP bridge to Reolink IP cameras
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
257 stars 41 forks source link

All set up, but RTSP can't connect #118

Closed 3cfix666 closed 11 months ago

3cfix666 commented 11 months ago

Reolink B800 set below help

# A bind value of means any network this computer can access
# You can chage this to a specfic network e.g. "" here
# Or to no networks e.g. this computer only ""
bind = ""

# Default port is 8554 but you can change it by uncommenting the following
# bind_port = 8554

# Uncomment the following and supply a path to a valid PEM
# to activate TLS encryption.
# The PEM should contain the certificate and the private key
# If TLS is activated you must connect with "rtsps://" and not "rtsp://"
# certificate = "/path/to/pem/with/cert/and/key"

# Choose if the client is required to provide a certificate signed by the server's CA.
# none|requested|required - default none
# tls_client_auth = "required"

# You can password protect the rtsp server mount points by adding users
# like the following me and someone. If you do not add [[users]]
# then anyone can connect without a password or username
# To access such a stream try using a url such as "rtsp://me:mepass@"

# [[users]]
# name = "me"
# pass = "mepass"
# [[users]]
# name = "someone"
# pass = "someonepass"

name = "B800"
username = "admin"
password = "Aa123456"
address = ""
# mqtt.broker_addr = ""
# mqtt.port = 1883
# mqtt.credentials = ["mqtt_user", "mqtt_password"]
# MQTT Discovery: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/mqtt/#mqtt-discovery
# mqtt.discovery.topic = "homeassistant" # Uncomment to enable
# If using discovery, _ characters are replaced with spaces in the name and title case is applied
# mqtt.discovery.features = ["floodlight"] # Uncomment if this camera has a spotlight/floodlight

# If you use a battery camera: **Instead** of an `address` supply the uid
# as follows
# uid = "ABCD01234567890EFG"

# By default any of the users can connect (or anyone at all if no users are specfied)
# You can uncomment the following to permit only specfic users
# permitted_users = [ "me" ]

# By default "both" "mainStream" and "subStream" are connected
# If your device has user connection limits try a single stream instead.
# stream = "mainStream"

# By default neolink will use any means to connect to the camera
# from a UID
# This include relaying via reolink servers
# This variable `discovery` controls the method of UID discovery
# - Possible values
# "relay" # Any means including connecting and transmitting through reolink
# "map" # Register our local ip address with reolink and ask the camera to connect to us but don't relay data through reolink
# "remote" # Register our local ip address with reolink but only permit same network connections (useful if broadcast is not possible)
# "local" # Do not contact reolink servers at all. Rely soley on local UDP broadcast based discovery
# "cellular" # Cellular camera only support Relay and Map to speed up connecting to them this option will skip the local/remote
# discovery = "relay"

# Certain types of camera emit status messages (such as battery levels)
# By default we hide these status messages from the user but you can instead requst that
# they be printed to stdout using print_format
# Valid values are:
# - None
# - Human
# - Xml
# print_format = "None"

# Internally neolink uses a buffer to improve delivery of frames at their actual times
# A large buffer can work even for large interupts in the connection with the camera
# A small buffer will reduce the latency introduced
# buffer_size: 100

# Over long periods of time the camera buffer can exhaust with no means of recovery
# to combat this a time stretching stratery is employed where the stream is slowed
# as the buffer is exhausted and sped up when full
# this can keep the camera and rtsp streams in sync and reduce buffer exhaustions
# HOWEVER if there is real latency issues (such as too high a bitrate)
# then smoothing can result in a stream appearing in slow motion
# you can disable and enable this feature here
# use_smoothing: true

name = "B801"
username = "admin"
password = "Aa123456"
address = ""
# If you use a battery camera: **Instead** of an `address` supply the uid
# as follows
# uid = "ABCD01234567890EFG"

# If you use an NVR that relays several camera connections you can choose which
# camera to connect to with by setting the `channel_id`
# By default channel_id = 0. Eg the first connected camera on the device
# **Note**: that unlike in the offical client the  numbering starts from 0 not 1.
# An 8 channel NVR would have channels 0 through 7
# channel_id = 0
QuantumEntangledAndy commented 11 months ago

From just this you've shown everything seems fine and working on this end. Most likely this is something to do with the client to the rtsp connection. What is your client how are you connecting, what have you tried to debug this?

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 11 months ago

Since you've not provided any details or shown any real errors that can be seen I will be closing this. If you still need help please reopen and supply more information