QuantumEntangledAndy / neolink

An RTSP bridge to Reolink IP cameras
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
250 stars 41 forks source link

[INFO] Arch Linux AUR package #160

Open frostworx opened 9 months ago

frostworx commented 9 months ago

Thank you very much for maintaining the project! I discovered just a few days ago and did not even know that the original project was killed silently (imho the project page should at least be set to read-only and point to this project).

For the Arch Linux users here, I just created a release package in AUR which uses this active fork


(added a conflict with the old "-git" package, which uses the dead project as source)

Any comments/suggestions/contributions welcome.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 9 months ago

It would be nice to add an archive and a link to the main page but ThirtyThreeForty hasne't respond to my last few attempts to contact him.

The next release will likely add a few more dependencies during build including the proto buffer compiler and openssl.

Neolink will also not run very well without the extra gstreamer plugins. I'm not sure how much of those plugins are pulled in with the gst-rtsp-server you've added. But for debian you will need the ones listed in the readme

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 9 months ago

Any chance we could integrate the AUR package into the realease build action with something like this

frostworx commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the prompt reply and the suggestions. Will take a look into it in a few days when I return from a short trip.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 9 months ago

Maybe we should also contact @zhulic from the original PR too https://github.com/thirtythreeforty/neolink/pull/168

frostworx commented 9 months ago

I already did on his git package, but nice to see him here as well :)

frostworx commented 9 months ago

Just bumped the deps. Can't tell if and when I find the time to look into the aur-release stuff mentioned above

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 9 months ago

Could you send me a copy of the PKGBUILD you use and then maybe I can have a go at it

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 9 months ago

If possible I'd like to adopt neolink and neolink-git directly into this repo so that versions are updated automatically when a new release gets made

frostworx commented 9 months ago

The PKGBUILD can be found on the top right of the corresponding package page below Package Actions.

When dependencies do not change, -git packages usually do not have to be touched at all to stay functional, and for release packages it is as easy as adjusting the version number. I am uncertain if it is worth the time to work on an automation for this simple task.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 9 months ago

It is not about the time required. Overall an automation will reduce time, it is about keeping things up to date

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 9 months ago

I've flagged neolink-git as out of date and I'll see if I can pick it up

frostworx commented 7 months ago

Previous maintainer orphaned the git aur package. I took over and just bumped a new version pointing to this project.

mothdotmonster commented 2 months ago

Both packages appear to be broken, at least for me.

neolink almost manages to build, but gives an error of /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: bad value neolink-git doesn't even download, saying ERROR: Integrity checks (sha256) differ in size from the source array.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 months ago

I think there's a couple of missing packages that are needed. OpenSSL and protobuf

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 months ago

@frostworx do you have time to look into this?

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 months ago

I think these are needed as they are what I have on my arch and the neolink AUR build fine there

frostworx commented 2 months ago

@QuantumEntangledAndy I'll try to check it shortly. Thanks for the dep pointers!

(I don't use neolink anymore though, so might orphan the pkgbuilds midterm)

@mothdotmonster stable is still on 0.6.2, which built fine last time I tried. Is your problem reproducible in a clean chroot?

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 months ago

If you want to transfer ownership of the AUR please transfer it to QuantumEntangled https://aur.archlinux.org/account/QuantumEntangled

frostworx commented 2 months ago
frostworx commented 2 months ago

@QuantumEntangledAndy just added you as co-maintainer for both packages. I'd guess you'd automatically become maintainer when I'd drop them.

frostworx commented 2 months ago

just pushed another neolink-git update. should work please test and report back when package 0.6.3.rc.1.r34.gd354b90-3 has landed - needs some time to distribute

edit: the change just landed and built fine for me

$ /usr/bin/neolink -V
[2024-04-16T14:31:16Z INFO  neolink] Neolink v0.6.3.rc.1-34-gd354b90 release
neolink 0.6.3-rc.2
QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 months ago
  • are you sure openssl-1.1is? seems like a barely used fallback openssl installation

Fairly sure since we need 1.1 not 3. We depend on fcm-push-listener for a push notifications server, that depends on ece for push message formats, which depends on OpenSSL 1.1 as their backend. So although I'd like to use v3 it's not in my control as it's upstream.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 months ago

What's the plan for versioning the AUR. neolink is binaries, neolink-git to the last rc release? Pointing to HEAD is not always a good idea as the tip of the branch is sometimes a little buggy until I can test thing out.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 months ago

Also I notice you have the ARCH as x86_64 but we should be good for arm too

frostworx commented 2 months ago

What's the plan for versioning the AUR. neolink is binaries, neolink-git to the last rc release? Pointing to HEAD is not always a good idea as the tip of the branch is sometimes a little buggy until I can test thing out.


release candidates historically are not covered via package management at all, no idea though if this still is $best_practice

Also I notice you have the ARCH as x86_64 but we should be good for arm too

yeah, I only added x86_64, because it was the only platform where I tested the build. this happens pretty often in (community driven) packages distri-independant.

Feel free to add armv7 (or whatever string is used currently, I don't have productive Arch arm systems currently) and also openssl-1.1 for both packages (thanks for the heads-up above regarding 1.1)