QuantumEntangledAndy / neolink

An RTSP bridge to Reolink IP cameras
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
246 stars 39 forks source link

Getting Neolink in Home Assistant working #262

Open Tobster77 opened 1 month ago

Tobster77 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Instructions for Home Assistant are not fully clear

To Reproduce

  1. Install Neolink as an Home Assistant Add-on
  2. Add-on is running (according to log):
    add-on version: 0.0.9
    [2024-05-31T18:50:19Z INFO  neolink] Neolink e47a0d5734b0a06b53bd8d78be9ca2f6b8396480 release
    neolink version: neolink 0.6.2
    neolink mode: dual
    neolink log: info
    ATTENTION: if you expected a newer Neolink version, please reinstall this Add-on!
    --- Neolink ---
    [2024-05-31T18:50:19Z INFO  neolink] Neolink e47a0d5734b0a06b53bd8d78be9ca2f6b8396480 release
    [2024-05-31T18:50:20Z WARN  neolink::rtsp] Without a server certificate, usernames and passwords will be exchanged in plaintext!
    [2024-05-31T18:50:20Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Rtsp Staring
    [2024-05-31T18:50:20Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Starting RTSP Server at
    [2024-05-31T18:50:20Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: xxxxxxxxxxxx 
    [2024-05-31T18:50:20Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
    [2024-05-31T18:50:20Z INFO  neolink::mqtt] Kamera_Kellerausgang: MQTT Staring
    [2024-05-31T18:50:20Z INFO  neolink::mqtt::discovery] Enabled MQTT discovery for Kamera_Kellerausgang with friendly name Kamera Kellerausgang
    [2024-05-31T18:50:20Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
    [2024-05-31T18:50:21Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
    [2024-05-31T18:50:21Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
    [2024-05-31T18:50:22Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxx at
    [2024-05-31T18:50:22Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
    [2024-05-31T18:50:23Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connected and logged in
    [2024-05-31T18:50:24Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Camera time is already set: 2024-05-31 20:50:24.0 -01:00:00
    [2024-05-31T18:50:24Z INFO  neolink::common::neocam] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Model Argus 3 Ultra
    [2024-05-31T18:50:24Z INFO  neolink::common::neocam] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Firmware Version v3.0.0.2355_23062001
    [2024-05-31T18:50:25Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Avaliable at /Kamera_Kellerausgang/sub, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Sub, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/subStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/SubStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Substream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/substream
    [2024-05-31T18:50:25Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Avaliable at /Kamera_Kellerausgang/main, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Main, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/mainStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/MainStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Mainstream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/mainstream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang
  3. A Reolink device is auto-discovered in Home Assistant. But the connections fails Client connector error during login of host Host connection error: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 443)] To be honest, I am quite confused.

Expected behavior What next to get the device showing up in Home Assistant?

Versions NVR software: None, I would like to use the cam in Home Assistant Neolink software: none Reolink camera model and firmware: Reolink Argus 3 Ultra

Thank you!

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 1 month ago

The neolink add on is actually another project not directly linked to me so I'm not 100% sure. But I believe it works like this.

I'm not sure about your ssl error nor am I sure why your trying to connect on 443? Do you have any idea what ha is doing to try a connection on 443? What settings did you configure in ha?

For the mqtt you need to configure the neolink toml to connect to your mqtt server with the same credentials as your ha is so that they can talk to each other.

Tobster77 commented 1 month ago

Thank you, I placed my request here!

Tobster77 commented 1 month ago

Okay, got this running!

Now I still fight with MQTT in Home Assistant:

I extended the features from

mqtt.discovery.topic = "homeassistant"
mqtt.discovery.features = ["floodlight"]


mqtt.discovery.topic = "homeassistant"
mqtt.discovery.features = ["floodlight", "camera", "led", "ir", "motion", "battery", "siren"]

but I still only get the floodlight switch in Home Assistant. Is the syntax correct?

edit: Got it. When "siren" and "camera" are removed, the other items appear in Home Assistant

Tobster77 commented 1 month ago

After some hours of operation, the server crashes:

[2024-06-02T11:28:28Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-02T11:28:37Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connected and logged in
[2024-06-02T11:28:37Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Camera time is already set: 2024-06-02 13:28:37.0 -01:00:00
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'Could not build pipeline: channel closed', src/rtsp/gst/factory.rs:132:56
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
fatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5
/run.sh: line 35:    14 Aborted                 (core dumped) neolink mqtt-rtsp --config /config/addons/neolink.toml

What can I do here?

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 4 weeks ago

Please send a complete log (including the version hash number thats right at the top)

Tobster77 commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks. Here we go.... Unfortunately, the log is cut after a number of lines, so these are the last lines:

        Dropped connection
[2024-06-03T06:59:24Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Attempt reconnect in 50ms
[2024-06-03T06:59:24Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2024-06-03T06:59:24Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
[2024-06-03T06:59:24Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
[2024-06-03T06:59:25Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
[2024-06-03T06:59:25Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
[2024-06-03T06:59:26Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxxx at
[2024-06-03T06:59:26Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-03T06:59:31Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connected and logged in
[2024-06-03T10:00:53Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connected and logged in
[2024-06-03T10:00:53Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Camera time is already set: 2024-06-03 12:00:52.0 -01:00:00
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'Could not build pipeline: channel closed', src/rtsp/gst/factory.rs:132:56
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
fatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5
/run.sh: line 35:    13 Aborted                 (core dumped) neolink mqtt-rtsp --config /config/addons/neolink.toml
--- VERSIONS ---
add-on version: 0.0.9
neolink version: neolink 0.6.2
[2024-06-03T11:27:33Z INFO  neolink] Neolink e47a0d5734b0a06b53bd8d78be9ca2f6b8396480 release
neolink mode: dual
neolink log: info
ATTENTION: if you expected a newer Neolink version, please reinstall this Add-on!
--- Neolink ---
[2024-06-03T11:27:33Z INFO  neolink] Neolink e47a0d5734b0a06b53bd8d78be9ca2f6b8396480 release
[2024-06-03T11:27:34Z WARN  neolink::rtsp] Without a server certificate, usernames and passwords will be exchanged in plaintext!
[2024-06-03T11:27:34Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Rtsp Staring
[2024-06-03T11:27:34Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2024-06-03T11:27:34Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Starting RTSP Server at
[2024-06-03T11:27:34Z INFO  neolink::mqtt] Kamera_Kellerausgang: MQTT Staring
[2024-06-03T11:27:34Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
[2024-06-03T11:27:35Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
[2024-06-03T11:27:36Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
[2024-06-03T11:27:36Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
[2024-06-03T11:27:48Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxxx at
[2024-06-03T11:27:48Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-03T11:27:58Z WARN  neolink::common::camthread] Connection Lost: IO Error: Custom { kind: Other, error: DroppedConnection }

    Caused by:
        Dropped connection
[2024-06-03T11:27:58Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Attempt reconnect in 50ms
[2024-06-03T11:27:58Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2024-06-03T11:27:58Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:00Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:00Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:00Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:13Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxxx at
[2024-06-03T11:28:13Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-03T11:28:23Z WARN  neolink::common::camthread] Connection Lost: IO Error: Custom { kind: Other, error: DroppedConnection }

    Caused by:
        Dropped connection
[2024-06-03T11:28:23Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Attempt reconnect in 100ms
[2024-06-03T11:28:23Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2024-06-03T11:28:23Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:24Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:25Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:25Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:37Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxxx at
[2024-06-03T11:28:37Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-03T11:28:47Z WARN  neolink::common::camthread] Connection Lost: IO Error: Custom { kind: Other, error: DroppedConnection }

    Caused by:
        Dropped connection
[2024-06-03T11:28:47Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Attempt reconnect in 200ms
[2024-06-03T11:28:47Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2024-06-03T11:28:47Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:50Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:51Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
[2024-06-03T11:28:51Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
[2024-06-03T11:29:03Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxxx at
[2024-06-03T11:29:03Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-03T11:29:13Z WARN  neolink::common::camthread] Connection Lost: IO Error: Custom { kind: Other, error: DroppedConnection }

    Caused by:
        Dropped connection
[2024-06-03T11:29:13Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Attempt reconnect in 400ms
[2024-06-03T11:29:13Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[2024-06-03T11:29:13Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
[2024-06-03T11:29:15Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
[2024-06-03T11:29:15Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
[2024-06-03T11:29:15Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
[2024-06-03T11:29:28Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxxx at
[2024-06-03T11:29:28Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-03T11:29:38Z WARN  neolink::common::camthread] Connection Lost: IO Error: Custom { kind: Other, error: DroppedConnection }

    Caused by:
        Dropped connection
[2024-06-03T11:29:38Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Attempt reconnect in 800ms
[2024-06-03T11:29:38Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: 95270006TIZ21QI9
[2024-06-03T11:29:38Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
[2024-06-03T11:29:40Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
[2024-06-03T11:29:41Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
[2024-06-03T11:29:41Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
[2024-06-03T11:29:42Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxxx at
[2024-06-03T11:29:42Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-03T11:29:51Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connected and logged in
[2024-06-03T11:29:52Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Camera time is already set: 2024-06-03 13:29:51.0 -01:00:00
[2024-06-03T11:29:53Z INFO  neolink::common::neocam] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Model Argus 3 Ultra
[2024-06-03T11:29:53Z INFO  neolink::common::neocam] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Firmware Version v3.0.0.2355_23062001
[2024-06-03T11:29:55Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Avaliable at /Kamera_Kellerausgang/main, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Main, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/mainStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/MainStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Mainstream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/mainstream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang
[2024-06-03T11:29:55Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Activating Client
[2024-06-03T11:29:55Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Pausing Client
[2024-06-03T11:29:56Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Activating Client
[2024-06-03T11:29:56Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Pausing Client
[2024-06-03T11:29:56Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Avaliable at /Kamera_Kellerausgang/sub, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Sub, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/subStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/SubStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Substream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/substream
[2024-06-03T11:29:59Z WARN  neolink_core::bc_protocol::snap] Snap did not recieve expected number of byes
[2024-06-03T11:30:35Z WARN  neolink_core::bc_protocol::snap] Snap did not recieve expected number of byes
[2024-06-03T11:30:47Z WARN  neolink_core::bc_protocol::snap] Snap did not recieve expected number of byes
[2024-06-03T11:31:10Z WARN  neolink_core::bc_protocol::snap] Snap did not recieve expected number of byes
[2024-06-03T11:31:24Z WARN  neolink_core::bc_protocol::snap] Snap did not recieve expected number of byes

I then rebooted the cam and the add-on to get a connection again...

Tobster77 commented 4 weeks ago

I also had this:

--- VERSIONS ---
add-on version: 0.0.9
neolink version: neolink 0.6.2
[2024-06-03T11:35:51Z INFO  neolink] Neolink e47a0d5734b0a06b53bd8d78be9ca2f6b8396480 release
neolink mode: dual
neolink log: info
ATTENTION: if you expected a newer Neolink version, please reinstall this Add-on!
--- Neolink ---
[2024-06-03T11:35:51Z INFO  neolink] Neolink e47a0d5734b0a06b53bd8d78be9ca2f6b8396480 release
[2024-06-03T11:35:52Z WARN  neolink::rtsp] Without a server certificate, usernames and passwords will be exchanged in plaintext!
[2024-06-03T11:35:52Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Rtsp Staring
[2024-06-03T11:35:52Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Starting RTSP Server at
[2024-06-03T11:35:52Z INFO  neolink::mqtt] Kamera_Kellerausgang: MQTT Staring
[2024-06-03T11:35:52Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: xxxxxxxxxxxx
[2024-06-03T11:35:52Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
[2024-06-03T11:35:54Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
[2024-06-03T11:35:54Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
[2024-06-03T11:35:54Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
[2024-06-03T11:35:56Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxx at
[2024-06-03T11:35:56Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-03T11:36:04Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connected and logged in
[2024-06-03T11:36:05Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Camera time is already set: 2024-06-03 13:36:04.0 -01:00:00
[2024-06-03T11:36:05Z INFO  neolink::common::neocam] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Model Argus 3 Ultra
[2024-06-03T11:36:05Z INFO  neolink::common::neocam] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Firmware Version v3.0.0.2355_23062001
[2024-06-03T11:36:06Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Avaliable at /Kamera_Kellerausgang/sub, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Sub, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/subStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/SubStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Substream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/substream
[2024-06-03T11:36:06Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Activating Client
[2024-06-03T11:36:06Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Pausing Client
[2024-06-03T11:36:06Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Avaliable at /Kamera_Kellerausgang/main, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Main, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/mainStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/MainStream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/Mainstream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang/mainstream, /Kamera_Kellerausgang
[2024-06-03T11:36:06Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Activating Client
[2024-06-03T11:36:06Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Pausing Client
[2024-06-03T11:36:52Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Activating Client
[2024-06-03T11:41:03Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Pausing Client
[2024-06-03T11:58:18Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Activating Client
[2024-06-03T12:03:24Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Pausing Client
[2024-06-03T12:04:16Z INFO  neolink::rtsp] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Activating Client
[2024-06-03T12:06:05Z WARN  neolink::common::camthread] Connection Lost: IO Error: Custom { kind: Other, error: DroppedConnection }

    Caused by:
        Dropped connection
[2024-06-03T12:06:05Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Attempt reconnect in 50ms
[2024-06-03T12:06:05Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connecting to camera at UID: xxxxxxxxxxxx
[2024-06-03T12:06:05Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying local discovery
[2024-06-03T12:06:06Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying remote discovery
[2024-06-03T12:06:06Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying map discovery
[2024-06-03T12:06:06Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Trying relay discovery
[2024-06-03T12:06:08Z INFO  neolink_core::bc_protocol] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Remote discovery success xxxxxxxxxxxx at
[2024-06-03T12:06:08Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Logging in
[2024-06-03T12:06:09Z INFO  neolink::utils] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Connected and logged in
[2024-06-03T12:06:10Z INFO  neolink::common::camthread] Kamera_Kellerausgang: Camera time is already set: 2024-06-03 14:06:08.0 -01:00:00
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'Could not build pipeline: channel closed', src/rtsp/gst/factory.rs:132:56
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
fatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5
/run.sh: line 35:    13 Aborted                 (core dumped) neolink mqtt-rtsp --config /config/addons/neolink.toml
Tobster77 commented 4 weeks ago

Does this help?

Tobster77 commented 3 weeks ago

Is there anything I can provide? Thanks.

Tobster77 commented 2 weeks ago

@QuantumEntangledAndy Okay, may I assume that there is no simple solution at hand? Then I maybe skip the battery-driven cam and Neolink and better pay for a natively supported ONVIF PoE model?

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 1 week ago

Sorry its not something obvious for me to just fix and I don't really have the time to solve it. The connecting being dropped is a low level thing where one of the connections TCP/UDP or the channels between threads is being closed. Theres a lot of places where it can happen and unless I can replicate it on my own and have a few days to work on it then I won't be able to fix it