Open newplay opened 7 months ago
Hi TzuChing, can you provide me with the POSCAR or CIF files of the structures in the training set?
ok,the poscar of path: 1st layer poscar path: /home/zijing/work/ML_work/HamGNN/Bilayer_TMD/POSCAR/WSe2.vasp 2nd layer poscar path: /home/zijing/work/ML_work/HamGNN/Bilayer_TMD/POSCAR/MoS2.vasp is MoS2:
Mo S
1.5961189560652265 -2.7645591268287686 0.0000000000000000
1.5961189560652265 2.7645591268287686 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 13.3782940000000004
Mo S
1 2
0.6666666666666666 0.3333333333333333 0.2500000000000000 Mo4+
0.3333333333333334 0.6666666666666667 0.3669180000000000 S2-
0.3333333333333333 0.6666666666666666 0.1330819999999999 S2-
1.6599664609005074 -2.8751462491399749 0.0000000000000000
1.6599664609005074 2.8751462491399749 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 13.7371873000000004
W Se
1 2
0.3333333333333334 0.6666666666666666 0.2500000000000000 W4+
0.6666666666666667 0.3333333333333333 0.3710007900000001 Se2-
0.6666666666666667 0.3333333333333334 0.1289992099999998 Se2-
all poscar in dataset:
Thanks! I also want to check your .dat input file for openmx calculation and the config.yaml file for HamGNN.
.dat file:
# File Name
System.CurrrentDirectory ./ # default=./
System.Name openmx
DATA.PATH /home/zjlin/openmx3.9/DFT_DATA19 # default=../DFT_DATA19
level.of.stdout 1 # default=1 (1-3)
level.of.fileout 1 # default=1 (0-2)
HS.fileout on # on|off, default=off
# SCF or Electronic System
scf.SpinPolarization off # On|Off|NC
scf.ElectronicTemperature 1 # default=300 (K)
scf.energycutoff 200.0 # default=150 (Ry)
scf.maxIter 300 # default=40
scf.EigenvalueSolver Band # DC|GDC|Cluster|Band
scf.Kgrid 6 6 1 # means 4x4x4
scf.Mixing.Type rmm-diisk # Simple|Rmm-Diis|Gr-Pulay|Kerker|Rmm-Diisk
scf.Init.Mixing.Weight 0.10 # default=0.30
scf.Min.Mixing.Weight 0.001 # default=0.001
scf.Max.Mixing.Weight 0.400 # default=0.40
scf.Mixing.History 30 # default=5
scf.Mixing.StartPulay 10 # default=6
scf.criterion 1.0e-7 # default=1.0e-6 (Hartree)
# MD or Geometry Optimization
MD.Type Nomd # Nomd|Opt|NVE|NVT_VS|NVT_NH
# Constraint_Opt|DIIS2|Constraint_DIIS2
MD.Opt.DIIS.History 4
MD.Opt.StartDIIS 5 # default=5
MD.maxIter 100 # default=1
MD.TimeStep 1.0 # default=0.5 (fs)
MD.Opt.criterion 1.0e-4 # default=1.0e-4 (Hartree/bohr)
# MO output
MO.fileout off # on|off, default=off
num.HOMOs 2 # default=1
num.LUMOs 2 # default=1
# DOS and PDOS
Dos.fileout off # on|off, default=off
Dos.Erange -10.0 10.0 # default = -20 20
Dos.Kgrid 1 1 1 # default = Kgrid1 Kgrid2 Kgrid3
# Definition of Atomic Species
Species.Number 4
Se Se7.0-s3p2d2 Se_PBE19
S S7.0-s2p2d1 S_PBE19
W W7.0-s3p2d2f1 W_PBE19
Mo Mo7.0-s3p2d2 Mo_PBE19
# Atoms
Atoms.Number 54
Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit Ang # Ang|AU
<Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates # Unit=Ang.
1 Mo 5.0495805 0.0303230 10.1316513 7.00 7.00
2 Mo 6.6452421 -2.7087011 10.1559687 7.00 7.00
3 Mo 5.0387943 5.7901407 10.1682145 7.00 7.00
4 Mo 3.4440036 -2.7619229 10.1794735 7.00 7.00
5 Mo 8.3134504 0.0779831 10.1939715 7.00 7.00
6 Mo 6.6777530 2.9561307 10.1984425 7.00 7.00
7 Mo 3.4068805 2.8562150 10.2002832 7.00 7.00
8 Mo 1.7616916 0.1117321 10.2066117 7.00 7.00
9 Mo 5.0128258 -5.5817061 10.2156101 7.00 7.00
10 S 3.4230360 4.7819531 8.5427046 3.00 3.00
11 S 8.2912660 2.0321985 8.5464429 3.00 3.00
12 S 1.7942521 2.0345857 8.5567231 3.00 3.00
13 S 5.0656653 1.9498530 8.5886417 3.00 3.00
14 S 5.0437187 7.6315157 8.5901291 3.00 3.00
15 S 6.6355316 -0.8445895 8.6018818 3.00 3.00
16 S 6.6977389 4.7942077 8.6033031 3.00 3.00
17 S 5.0209343 -3.6572361 8.6093798 3.00 3.00
18 S 3.3847309 -0.8595878 8.6115144 3.00 3.00
19 S 3.4015526 -0.8810627 11.7214966 3.00 3.00
20 S 6.6696288 -0.8164845 11.7534313 3.00 3.00
21 S 3.3867976 4.7830123 11.7575412 3.00 3.00
22 S 1.8069487 1.9218755 11.7651849 3.00 3.00
23 S 5.0460771 7.6126029 11.7863119 3.00 3.00
24 S 5.0846474 1.9690075 11.7900565 3.00 3.00
25 S 6.6959218 4.7997052 11.7905732 3.00 3.00
26 S 8.3004866 2.0257636 11.7910281 3.00 3.00
27 S 5.0830043 -3.6726842 11.8033346 3.00 3.00
28 Se 6.4913482 1.8806872 1.7222986 3.00 3.00
29 Se 1.6551163 -0.9263613 1.7239046 3.00 3.00
30 Se 3.2613766 -3.8242942 1.7557324 3.00 3.00
31 Se 3.2159614 1.8761247 1.7685667 3.00 3.00
32 Se 4.9270162 4.7093160 1.7757652 3.00 3.00
33 Se 8.1486243 -0.8765832 1.7775723 3.00 3.00
34 Se 6.5355711 -3.7242852 1.7788162 3.00 3.00
35 Se 4.9050522 -6.6203640 1.7851421 3.00 3.00
36 Se 4.8813603 -0.9133519 1.7875356 3.00 3.00
37 Se 3.2377493 1.9283353 5.0029334 3.00 3.00
38 Se 6.4796334 1.8687904 5.0153947 3.00 3.00
39 Se 4.8782185 4.7065047 5.0426830 3.00 3.00
40 Se 1.6549820 -0.9335132 5.0458108 3.00 3.00
41 Se 8.1308185 -0.9437135 5.0478972 3.00 3.00
42 Se 3.2552597 -3.8381471 5.0504900 3.00 3.00
43 Se 4.8768672 -0.9205345 5.0590048 3.00 3.00
44 Se 6.5067392 -3.8333144 5.0674027 3.00 3.00
45 Se 4.8952154 -6.5253524 5.0770383 3.00 3.00
46 W 6.5046120 -1.9130622 3.3418752 6.00 6.00
47 W 4.8873602 0.9732835 3.3459708 6.00 6.00
48 W 4.8815998 -4.7760983 3.4091772 6.00 6.00
49 W 6.5041270 3.7601145 3.4131934 6.00 6.00
50 W 4.9015604 6.5236052 3.4161540 6.00 6.00
51 W 3.2642679 3.7142984 3.4223267 6.00 6.00
52 W 1.6143944 0.9708479 3.4267297 6.00 6.00
53 W 3.2416171 -1.9031299 3.4382020 6.00 6.00
54 W 8.0932119 0.9378534 3.4382074 6.00 6.00
Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit Ang # Ang|AU
config file:
batch_size: 1
split_file: null
test_ratio: 0.1
train_ratio: 0.8
val_ratio: 0.1
graph_data_path: /home5/zjlin/ML_work/HamGNN/Bilayer_TMD/work_dir/dataset/graph_hetro_MoS2_WSe2/graph_data.npz # Directory where graph_data.npz is located
- loss_weight: 1.0
metric: mae
prediction: hamiltonian
target: hamiltonian
#- loss_weight: 1.0
# metric: mae
# prediction: band_gap
# target: band_gap
#- loss_weight: 0.001
# metric: mae
# prediction: band_energy
# target: band_energy
#- loss_weight: 1.0
# metric: mae
# prediction: overlap
# target: overlap
#- loss_weight: 1.0
# metric: mae
# prediction: peak
# target: peak
#- loss_weight: 0.0
# metric: mae
# prediction: hamiltonian_imag
# target: hamiltonian_imag
#- loss_weight: 0.0001
# metric: abs_mae
# prediction: wavefunction
# target: wavefunction
- metric: mae
prediction: hamiltonian
target: hamiltonian
#- metric: mae
# prediction: band_gap
# target: band_gap
#- metric: mae
# prediction: peak
# target: peak
#- metric: mae
# prediction: overlap
# target: overlap
#- metric: mae
# prediction: hamiltonian_imag
# target: hamiltonian_imag
#- metric: mae
# prediction: hamiltonian_imag
# target: hamiltonian_imag
#- metric: mae
# prediction: band_energy
# target: band_energy
#- metric: abs_mae
# prediction: wavefunction
# target: wavefunction
# Generally, the optim_params module only needs to set the initial learning rate (lr)
lr: 0.005
lr_decay: 0.5
lr_patience: 5
gradient_clip_val: 0.0
max_epochs: 3000
min_epochs: 100
stop_patience: 30
output_module: HamGNN_out
ham_only: true # true: Only the Hamiltonian H is computed; 'false': Fit both H and S
ham_type: openmx # openmx: fit openmx Hamiltonian; abacus: fit abacus Hamiltonian
nao_max: 26 # The maximum number of atomic orbitals in the data set, which can be 14, 19 or 26
add_H0: true # Generally true, the complete Hamiltonian is predicted as the sum of H_scf plus H_nonscf (H0)
symmetrize: true # if set to true, the Hermitian symmetry constraint is imposed on the Hamiltonian
calculate_band_energy: false # Whether to calculate the energy bands to train the model
num_k: 5 # When calculating the energy bands, the number of K points to use
band_num_control: 5 # `dict`: controls how many orbitals are considered for each atom in energy bands; `int`: [vbm-num, vbm+num]; `null`: all bands
k_path: null # `auto`: Automatically determine the k-point path; `null`: random k-point path; `list`: list of k-point paths provided by the user
soc_switch: false # if true, fit the SOC Hamiltonian
nonlinearity_type: norm # norm or gate
progress_bar_refresh_rat: 1
train_dir: /home5/zjlin/ML_work/HamGNN/Bilayer_TMD/work_dir/train_model/Bilayer_hetro_MoS2_WSe2 #The folder for saving training information and prediction results. This directory can be read by tensorboard to monitor the training process.
# Network parameters usually do not need to be changed.
cutoff: 20.0
resnet: True
cutoff_func: cos
edge_sh_normalization: component
edge_sh_normalize: true
######## Irreps set 1 (crystal): ################
feature_irreps_hidden: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e
irreps_edge_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e
irreps_edge_sh: 0e + 1o + 2e + 3o + 4e
irreps_node_features: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e
irreps_node_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e
irreps_triplet_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e
invariant_layers: 2
invariant_neurons: 64
num_interaction_layers: 5
num_radial: 8
num_spherical: 8
num_types: 100
export_triplet: false
rbf_func: bessel
set_features: true
add_edge_tp: false
irreps_node_prev: 16x0o+16x0e+8x1o+8x1e+8x2e+8x2o+8x3o+8x3e+8x4o+8x4e
num_node_attr_feas: 64
GNN_Net: HamGNN_pre
accelerator: null
ignore_warnings: true
checkpoint_path: /home5/zjlin/ML_work/HamGNN/Bilayer_TMD/work_dir/train_model/Bilayer_hetro_MoS2_WSe2/version_2/checkpoints/epoch=2-val_loss=0.000000.ckpt # Path to the model weights file
load_from_checkpoint: false
resume: false
num_gpus: [0] # null: use cpu; [i]: use the ith GPU device
precision: 32
It seems like there are no issues with your parameters. In the next few days, I plan to use the structures you provided to construct a training set for testing. After I finish the test, I will show you the result.
Dear TzuChing,
I constructed a training set using the POSCAR you provided, using openmx parameters as follows::
# File Name
System.CurrrentDirectory ./ # default=./
System.Name crystal
DATA.PATH /public/home/zhongyang/DFT_DATA19 # default=../DFT_DATA19
level.of.stdout 1 # default=1 (1-3)
level.of.fileout 0 # default=1 (0-2)
HS.fileout on # on|off, default=off
# SCF or Electronic System
scf.partialCoreCorrection on
scf.SpinPolarization off # On|Off|NC
scf.ElectronicTemperature 100.0 # default=300 (K)
scf.energycutoff 200.0 # default=150 (Ry)
scf.maxIter 300 # default=40
scf.EigenvalueSolver Band # DC|GDC|Cluster|Band
scf.Kgrid 6 6 1 # means 4x4x4
scf.Mixing.Type rmm-diis # Simple|Rmm-Diis|Gr-Pulay|Kerker|Rmm-Diisk
scf.Init.Mixing.Weight 0.0010 # default=0.30
scf.Min.Mixing.Weight 0.0001 # default=0.001
scf.Max.Mixing.Weight 0.3000 # default=0.40
scf.Mixing.History 50
scf.Mixing.StartPulay 30
scf.Mixing.EveryPulay 1
scf.criterion 1.0e-8 # default=1.0e-6 (Hartree)
# MD or Geometry Optimization
MD.Type Nomd # Nomd|Opt|NVE|NVT_VS|NVT_NH
# Constraint_Opt|DIIS2|Constraint_DIIS2
MD.Opt.DIIS.History 4
MD.Opt.StartDIIS 5 # default=5
MD.maxIter 100 # default=1
MD.TimeStep 1.0 # default=0.5 (fs)
MD.Opt.criterion 1.0e-4 # default=1.0e-4 (Hartree/bohr)
# MO output
MO.fileout off # on|off, default=off
num.HOMOs 2 # default=1
num.LUMOs 2 # default=1
# DOS and PDOS
Dos.fileout off # on|off, default=off
Dos.Erange -10.0 10.0 # default = -20 20
Dos.Kgrid 1 1 1 # default = Kgrid1 Kgrid2 Kgrid3
# Definition of Atomic Species
Species.Number 4
W W7.0-s3p2d2f1 W_PBE19
Mo Mo7.0-s3p2d2 Mo_PBE19
S S7.0-s2p2d1 S_PBE19
Se Se7.0-s3p2d2 Se_PBE19
# Atoms
Atoms.Number 54
Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit Ang # Ang|AU
<Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates # Unit=Ang.
1 Mo 1.6458296 -0.9559182 10.0864960 7.00 7.00
2 Mo 4.9221994 -0.8460412 10.0923617 7.00 7.00
3 Mo 3.2833492 -3.7242179 10.1196108 7.00 7.00
4 Mo 8.1532343 -0.8747390 10.1280828 7.00 7.00
5 Mo 6.5294900 2.0089178 10.1377672 7.00 7.00
6 Mo 3.2553282 1.9581526 10.1595457 7.00 7.00
7 Mo 4.8929446 -6.4461970 10.1631211 7.00 7.00
8 Mo 6.5111426 -3.7394733 10.1659136 7.00 7.00
9 Mo 4.8848615 4.7729833 10.1738154 7.00 7.00
10 S 4.8652674 -4.6626134 8.5224809 3.00 3.00
11 S 1.6049082 0.9761559 8.5289882 3.00 3.00
12 S 4.8787750 6.6913017 8.5444247 3.00 3.00
13 S 4.8849977 1.0393447 8.5777895 3.00 3.00
14 S 6.4924267 3.8346762 8.5803539 3.00 3.00
15 S 8.1158805 0.9838483 8.5840223 3.00 3.00
16 S 3.2998268 -1.7938340 8.5843634 3.00 3.00
17 S 6.5051344 -1.8148306 8.5914059 3.00 3.00
18 S 3.3051898 3.8038457 8.5987901 3.00 3.00
19 S 1.6696171 1.0008400 11.6819659 3.00 3.00
20 S 4.8853331 6.5814378 11.6846755 3.00 3.00
21 S 4.8763899 0.9854857 11.6895285 3.00 3.00
22 S 3.2374488 -1.8542931 11.6999252 3.00 3.00
23 S 4.9087554 -4.6699884 11.7097457 3.00 3.00
24 S 8.1134047 1.0081885 11.7144993 3.00 3.00
25 S 6.5260856 -1.8436759 11.7373582 3.00 3.00
26 S 6.5120044 3.8398936 11.7379072 3.00 3.00
27 S 3.2453768 3.7814650 11.7657241 3.00 3.00
28 Se 4.8892818 4.7489350 1.7004072 3.00 3.00
29 Se 6.5175877 -3.7322574 1.7188594 3.00 3.00
30 Se 3.2470815 1.9418410 1.7405883 3.00 3.00
31 Se 1.6168581 -0.8881860 1.7483192 3.00 3.00
32 Se 8.1675592 -0.9400436 1.7510674 3.00 3.00
33 Se 6.5089322 1.8908698 1.7584510 3.00 3.00
34 Se 4.8788058 -0.8999342 1.7597130 3.00 3.00
35 Se 3.2877071 -3.7338521 1.7750416 3.00 3.00
36 Se 4.8545399 -6.5526480 1.7946178 3.00 3.00
37 Se 8.1500423 -0.9262235 5.0111189 3.00 3.00
38 Se 3.2349649 1.8937430 5.0169138 3.00 3.00
39 Se 6.4890714 1.9049537 5.0292190 3.00 3.00
40 Se 4.8426083 4.7043808 5.0315187 3.00 3.00
41 Se 4.8784876 -6.5210732 5.0443474 3.00 3.00
42 Se 6.5148821 -3.7964339 5.0444158 3.00 3.00
43 Se 3.2146512 -3.7457229 5.0512371 3.00 3.00
44 Se 4.8906099 -0.9559786 5.0679482 3.00 3.00
45 Se 1.6424058 -0.9860776 5.0763403 3.00 3.00
46 W 6.4979928 3.7561881 3.3413679 6.00 6.00
47 W 4.9177545 0.9423903 3.3606346 6.00 6.00
48 W 4.9167938 -4.7212520 3.3692404 6.00 6.00
49 W 4.8930094 6.5274518 3.3762138 6.00 6.00
50 W 1.6620829 0.9488657 3.3828169 6.00 6.00
51 W 3.2527419 3.7539430 3.3852051 6.00 6.00
52 W 6.4837660 -1.8936457 3.4045991 6.00 6.00
53 W 3.2571035 -1.8586787 3.4098209 6.00 6.00
54 W 8.1139145 0.9792833 3.4357851 6.00 6.00
Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit Ang # Ang|AU
<Atoms.UnitVectors # unit=Ang.
4.8841281 -8.4595581 0.0000000
4.8841281 8.4595581 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 30.0000000
In my openmx parameters, I have set scf.partialCoreCorrection
to 'on'. The mean absolute error (MAE) of the Hamiltonian in HamGNN on this dataset is approximately 0.7 meV, and the parity plot for Hamiltonian and energy bands are shown below:
I have uploaded the config.yaml, graph_data.npz, and .ckpt model files that I used for training to the Zendo repository. This model has already been trained on both the Hamiltonian and energy bands, so it can be used for prediction directly without any additional training. Please note that when using this model for prediction, set the scf.partialCoreCorrection
parameter to 'on' in the .dat file of openmx.
As for why the error of HamGNN is large on your training set, I suspect it may be due to the inclusion of some unconverged Hamiltonian matrices in your dataset.
Best wishes, Yang Zhong
Dear Yang Zhong,
Thank you for your assistance. I now understand the key points of the training and the reasons behind them.
Best regards, TzuChing
Dear Yang Zhong,
I noticed that the parameter settings provided in your response differ from the default configuration file in HamGNN
. After trying two approaches: 1. using your parameter settings with my old database, and 2. using the parameter settings from HamGNN
with your database (turn on the scf.partialCoreCorrection
option), I observed the following:
In the first test, I found that the convergence issue should be dependent on the parameter settings, as even with approach 1, convergence was not achieved.
Unfortunately, the second test was unsuccessful due to the following error:
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1.51 GiB (GPU 0; 11.76 GiB total capacity; 8.78 GiB already allocated; 1.11 GiB free; 8.80 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) If reserved memory is >> allocated memory try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF
We are using an RTX A2000 GPU with 12GiB of VRAM, and it seems that the parameter settings are too large. Do you have any suggestions for adjusting the parameters?
Best Regards, TzuChing
Dear TzuChing,
I believe that HamGNN should perform well in fitting the Hamiltonian matrix of the MoS2/WSe2 heterostructure using either set of network parameters, assuming that all the Hamiltonian matrices from DFT calculations in the training set have converged. I hope you can show me the results obtained from TensorBoard when you fit my 'graph_data.npz' using your old config parameters as follows. If the results are not satisfactory, I will try to fit my 'graph_data.npz' using your config parameters in order to identify the issue.
Best wishes, Yang Zhong
.dat file:
# File Name # System.CurrrentDirectory ./ # default=./ System.Name openmx DATA.PATH /home/zjlin/openmx3.9/DFT_DATA19 # default=../DFT_DATA19 level.of.stdout 1 # default=1 (1-3) level.of.fileout 1 # default=1 (0-2) HS.fileout on # on|off, default=off # # SCF or Electronic System # scf.XcType GGA-PBE # LDA|LSDA-CA|LSDA-PW|GGA-PBE scf.SpinPolarization off # On|Off|NC scf.ElectronicTemperature 1 # default=300 (K) scf.energycutoff 200.0 # default=150 (Ry) scf.maxIter 300 # default=40 scf.EigenvalueSolver Band # DC|GDC|Cluster|Band scf.Kgrid 6 6 1 # means 4x4x4 scf.Mixing.Type rmm-diisk # Simple|Rmm-Diis|Gr-Pulay|Kerker|Rmm-Diisk scf.Init.Mixing.Weight 0.10 # default=0.30 scf.Min.Mixing.Weight 0.001 # default=0.001 scf.Max.Mixing.Weight 0.400 # default=0.40 scf.Mixing.History 30 # default=5 scf.Mixing.StartPulay 10 # default=6 scf.criterion 1.0e-7 # default=1.0e-6 (Hartree) # # MD or Geometry Optimization # MD.Type Nomd # Nomd|Opt|NVE|NVT_VS|NVT_NH # Constraint_Opt|DIIS2|Constraint_DIIS2 MD.Opt.DIIS.History 4 MD.Opt.StartDIIS 5 # default=5 MD.maxIter 100 # default=1 MD.TimeStep 1.0 # default=0.5 (fs) MD.Opt.criterion 1.0e-4 # default=1.0e-4 (Hartree/bohr) # # MO output # MO.fileout off # on|off, default=off num.HOMOs 2 # default=1 num.LUMOs 2 # default=1 # # DOS and PDOS # Dos.fileout off # on|off, default=off Dos.Erange -10.0 10.0 # default = -20 20 Dos.Kgrid 1 1 1 # default = Kgrid1 Kgrid2 Kgrid3 # # Definition of Atomic Species # Species.Number 4 <Definition.of.Atomic.Species Se Se7.0-s3p2d2 Se_PBE19 S S7.0-s2p2d1 S_PBE19 W W7.0-s3p2d2f1 W_PBE19 Mo Mo7.0-s3p2d2 Mo_PBE19 Definition.of.Atomic.Species> # # Atoms # Atoms.Number 54 Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit Ang # Ang|AU <Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates # Unit=Ang. 1 Mo 5.0495805 0.0303230 10.1316513 7.00 7.00 2 Mo 6.6452421 -2.7087011 10.1559687 7.00 7.00 3 Mo 5.0387943 5.7901407 10.1682145 7.00 7.00 4 Mo 3.4440036 -2.7619229 10.1794735 7.00 7.00 5 Mo 8.3134504 0.0779831 10.1939715 7.00 7.00 6 Mo 6.6777530 2.9561307 10.1984425 7.00 7.00 7 Mo 3.4068805 2.8562150 10.2002832 7.00 7.00 8 Mo 1.7616916 0.1117321 10.2066117 7.00 7.00 9 Mo 5.0128258 -5.5817061 10.2156101 7.00 7.00 10 S 3.4230360 4.7819531 8.5427046 3.00 3.00 11 S 8.2912660 2.0321985 8.5464429 3.00 3.00 12 S 1.7942521 2.0345857 8.5567231 3.00 3.00 13 S 5.0656653 1.9498530 8.5886417 3.00 3.00 14 S 5.0437187 7.6315157 8.5901291 3.00 3.00 15 S 6.6355316 -0.8445895 8.6018818 3.00 3.00 16 S 6.6977389 4.7942077 8.6033031 3.00 3.00 17 S 5.0209343 -3.6572361 8.6093798 3.00 3.00 18 S 3.3847309 -0.8595878 8.6115144 3.00 3.00 19 S 3.4015526 -0.8810627 11.7214966 3.00 3.00 20 S 6.6696288 -0.8164845 11.7534313 3.00 3.00 21 S 3.3867976 4.7830123 11.7575412 3.00 3.00 22 S 1.8069487 1.9218755 11.7651849 3.00 3.00 23 S 5.0460771 7.6126029 11.7863119 3.00 3.00 24 S 5.0846474 1.9690075 11.7900565 3.00 3.00 25 S 6.6959218 4.7997052 11.7905732 3.00 3.00 26 S 8.3004866 2.0257636 11.7910281 3.00 3.00 27 S 5.0830043 -3.6726842 11.8033346 3.00 3.00 28 Se 6.4913482 1.8806872 1.7222986 3.00 3.00 29 Se 1.6551163 -0.9263613 1.7239046 3.00 3.00 30 Se 3.2613766 -3.8242942 1.7557324 3.00 3.00 31 Se 3.2159614 1.8761247 1.7685667 3.00 3.00 32 Se 4.9270162 4.7093160 1.7757652 3.00 3.00 33 Se 8.1486243 -0.8765832 1.7775723 3.00 3.00 34 Se 6.5355711 -3.7242852 1.7788162 3.00 3.00 35 Se 4.9050522 -6.6203640 1.7851421 3.00 3.00 36 Se 4.8813603 -0.9133519 1.7875356 3.00 3.00 37 Se 3.2377493 1.9283353 5.0029334 3.00 3.00 38 Se 6.4796334 1.8687904 5.0153947 3.00 3.00 39 Se 4.8782185 4.7065047 5.0426830 3.00 3.00 40 Se 1.6549820 -0.9335132 5.0458108 3.00 3.00 41 Se 8.1308185 -0.9437135 5.0478972 3.00 3.00 42 Se 3.2552597 -3.8381471 5.0504900 3.00 3.00 43 Se 4.8768672 -0.9205345 5.0590048 3.00 3.00 44 Se 6.5067392 -3.8333144 5.0674027 3.00 3.00 45 Se 4.8952154 -6.5253524 5.0770383 3.00 3.00 46 W 6.5046120 -1.9130622 3.3418752 6.00 6.00 47 W 4.8873602 0.9732835 3.3459708 6.00 6.00 48 W 4.8815998 -4.7760983 3.4091772 6.00 6.00 49 W 6.5041270 3.7601145 3.4131934 6.00 6.00 50 W 4.9015604 6.5236052 3.4161540 6.00 6.00 51 W 3.2642679 3.7142984 3.4223267 6.00 6.00 52 W 1.6143944 0.9708479 3.4267297 6.00 6.00 53 W 3.2416171 -1.9031299 3.4382020 6.00 6.00 54 W 8.0932119 0.9378534 3.4382074 6.00 6.00 Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates> Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit Ang # Ang|AU
config file:
dataset_params: batch_size: 1 split_file: null test_ratio: 0.1 train_ratio: 0.8 val_ratio: 0.1 graph_data_path: /home5/zjlin/ML_work/HamGNN/Bilayer_TMD/work_dir/dataset/graph_hetro_MoS2_WSe2/graph_data.npz # Directory where graph_data.npz is located losses_metrics: losses: - loss_weight: 1.0 metric: mae prediction: hamiltonian target: hamiltonian #- loss_weight: 1.0 # metric: mae # prediction: band_gap # target: band_gap #- loss_weight: 0.001 # metric: mae # prediction: band_energy # target: band_energy #- loss_weight: 1.0 # metric: mae # prediction: overlap # target: overlap #- loss_weight: 1.0 # metric: mae # prediction: peak # target: peak #- loss_weight: 0.0 # metric: mae # prediction: hamiltonian_imag # target: hamiltonian_imag #- loss_weight: 0.0001 # metric: abs_mae # prediction: wavefunction # target: wavefunction metrics: - metric: mae prediction: hamiltonian target: hamiltonian #- metric: mae # prediction: band_gap # target: band_gap #- metric: mae # prediction: peak # target: peak #- metric: mae # prediction: overlap # target: overlap #- metric: mae # prediction: hamiltonian_imag # target: hamiltonian_imag #- metric: mae # prediction: hamiltonian_imag # target: hamiltonian_imag #- metric: mae # prediction: band_energy # target: band_energy #- metric: abs_mae # prediction: wavefunction # target: wavefunction # Generally, the optim_params module only needs to set the initial learning rate (lr) optim_params: lr: 0.005 lr_decay: 0.5 lr_patience: 5 gradient_clip_val: 0.0 max_epochs: 3000 min_epochs: 100 stop_patience: 30 output_nets: output_module: HamGNN_out HamGNN_out: ham_only: true # true: Only the Hamiltonian H is computed; 'false': Fit both H and S ham_type: openmx # openmx: fit openmx Hamiltonian; abacus: fit abacus Hamiltonian nao_max: 26 # The maximum number of atomic orbitals in the data set, which can be 14, 19 or 26 add_H0: true # Generally true, the complete Hamiltonian is predicted as the sum of H_scf plus H_nonscf (H0) symmetrize: true # if set to true, the Hermitian symmetry constraint is imposed on the Hamiltonian calculate_band_energy: false # Whether to calculate the energy bands to train the model num_k: 5 # When calculating the energy bands, the number of K points to use band_num_control: 5 # `dict`: controls how many orbitals are considered for each atom in energy bands; `int`: [vbm-num, vbm+num]; `null`: all bands k_path: null # `auto`: Automatically determine the k-point path; `null`: random k-point path; `list`: list of k-point paths provided by the user soc_switch: false # if true, fit the SOC Hamiltonian nonlinearity_type: norm # norm or gate profiler_params: progress_bar_refresh_rat: 1 train_dir: /home5/zjlin/ML_work/HamGNN/Bilayer_TMD/work_dir/train_model/Bilayer_hetro_MoS2_WSe2 #The folder for saving training information and prediction results. This directory can be read by tensorboard to monitor the training process. representation_nets: # Network parameters usually do not need to be changed. HamGNN_pre: cutoff: 20.0 resnet: True cutoff_func: cos edge_sh_normalization: component edge_sh_normalize: true ######## Irreps set 1 (crystal): ################ feature_irreps_hidden: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e irreps_edge_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e irreps_edge_sh: 0e + 1o + 2e + 3o + 4e irreps_node_features: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e irreps_node_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e irreps_triplet_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+32x3e+32x4o+32x4e invariant_layers: 2 invariant_neurons: 64 num_interaction_layers: 5 num_radial: 8 num_spherical: 8 num_types: 100 export_triplet: false rbf_func: bessel set_features: true add_edge_tp: false irreps_node_prev: 16x0o+16x0e+8x1o+8x1e+8x2e+8x2o+8x3o+8x3e+8x4o+8x4e num_node_attr_feas: 64 setup: GNN_Net: HamGNN_pre accelerator: null ignore_warnings: true checkpoint_path: /home5/zjlin/ML_work/HamGNN/Bilayer_TMD/work_dir/train_model/Bilayer_hetro_MoS2_WSe2/version_2/checkpoints/epoch=2-val_loss=0.000000.ckpt # Path to the model weights file load_from_checkpoint: false resume: false num_gpus: [0] # null: use cpu; [i]: use the ith GPU device precision: 32
Dear Yang Zhong,
Here is the tensorboard image showing my configuration compared to your graph_data.npz: Additionally, I used another configuration, which resulted in better performance:
cutoff: 26.0
resnet: True
cutoff_func: cos
edge_sh_normalization: component
edge_sh_normalize: true
######## Irreps set 1 (crystal): ################
feature_irreps_hidden: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
irreps_edge_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
irreps_edge_sh: 0e + 1o + 2e + 3o + 4e + 5o + 6e
irreps_node_features: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
irreps_node_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
irreps_triplet_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
invariant_layers: 3
invariant_neurons: 128
num_interaction_layers: 5
num_radial: 64
num_spherical: 32
export_triplet: false
rbf_func: bessel
set_features: true
add_edge_tp: false
num_types: 100
irreps_node_prev: 16x0o+16x0e+8x1o+8x1e+8x2e+8x2o+8x3o+8x3e+8x4o+8x4e
num_node_attr_feas: 64
Here is the result: so I trust the different configuation would get different result.
at step 5599
Dear TzuChing,
I trained HamGNN on my graph_data.npz file with the config parameters you gave below, and the training result is also quite good. I don't know if it's because of the GPU itself, I'm using NVIDIA H100 GPU. Some non-computation-specific GPUs may have relatively larger floating-point calculation errors. If you need to predict the MoS2/WSe2 structures as soon as possible, the model I provided in the Zendo repository is ready to use. When predicting large systems with the trained HamGNN model, you can set the environment variable export OMP_NUM_THREADS=ncpus
to enable multithreading and set num_gpus
in config.yaml to null
, so that the model can run on a CPU node with enough memory.
ham_only: true # true: Only the Hamiltonian H is computed; 'false': Fit both H and S
ham_type: openmx # openmx: fit openmx Hamiltonian; abacus: fit abacus Hamiltonian
nao_max: 26 # The maximum number of atomic orbitals in the data set, which can be 14, 19 or 26
add_H0: true # Generally true, the complete Hamiltonian is predicted as the sum of H_scf plus H_nonscf (H0)
symmetrize: true # if set to true, the Hermitian symmetry constraint is imposed on the Hamiltonian
calculate_band_energy: false # Whether to calculate the energy bands to train the model
num_k: 5 # When calculating the energy bands, the number of K points to use
band_num_control: 5 # `dict`: controls how many orbitals are considered for each atom in energy bands; `int`: [vbm-num, vbm+num]; `null`: all bands
k_path: null # `auto`: Automatically determine the k-point path; `null`: random k-point path; `list`: list of k-point paths provided by the user
soc_switch: false # if true, fit the SOC Hamiltonian
nonlinearity_type: norm # norm or gate
cutoff: 26.0
resnet: True
cutoff_func: cos
edge_sh_normalization: component
edge_sh_normalize: true
######## Irreps set 1 (crystal): ################
feature_irreps_hidden: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
irreps_edge_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
irreps_edge_sh: 0e + 1o + 2e + 3o + 4e + 5o + 6e
irreps_node_features: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
irreps_node_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
irreps_triplet_output: 32x0o+32x0e+32x1o+32x1e+32x2e+32x2o+32x3o+16x3e+16x4o+16x4e+16x5o+8x5e+8x6e
invariant_layers: 3
invariant_neurons: 128
num_interaction_layers: 5
num_radial: 64
num_spherical: 32
export_triplet: false
rbf_func: bessel
set_features: true
add_edge_tp: false
num_types: 100
irreps_node_prev: 16x0o+16x0e+8x1o+8x1e+8x2e+8x2o+8x3o+8x3e+8x4o+8x4e
num_node_attr_feas: 64
Best wishes, Yang Zhong
Dear Yang Zhong,
Thank you for your prompt response. I will conduct further tests to assess the impact of different configurations. Additionally, according to my search on Google, RTX A2000 also supports double-precision floating-point calculations, so I don't think that the wrong result is due to floating-point calculation errors. If there are any new developments, I will provide you with updates of the results.
Best regards, TzuChing
Dear Yang Zhong,
I implemented the random shift constraint similar to what you did in the MoS2 Demo (random shift within a range of 2 angstroms in the ab plane and 0.5 angstroms along the c-axis). However, the training process still yielded incorrect results.
The results obtained from using tensorboard are as follows: The loss of the Hamiltonian converged to 2.14e-4. I use the code below to generate the train dataset
and the
:the shift of layer could be visionable as :
some of train data : However, I am encountering difficulties uploading the graph_data.npz file to Zenodo. Could you please suggest an alternative method for me to transmit the graph_data file to you?
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards, TzuChing