QuantumLeaps / qpcpp

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[Qpccp 6.9.2] test of assertion fail now. #10

Closed scachemaille closed 3 years ago

scachemaille commented 3 years ago

Hello. We just updated to QP 6.9.2 and one of our test on our target now fail. I'm not an expert of qutest yet.

the test fail when we try to test and assertion.

here is the actual test: (q_assert_file_path is a variable with the file name, that's not the issue).

test("GetBitAndAdvance: output SHOULD be assert error WHEN GetBitAndAdvance() is called after constructing the bit " \
     "iterator object with the default constructor")
command(2, 0)
expect(f"@timestamp =ASSERT= Mod={q_assert_file_path},Loc=200")

the Qspy output with QP 6.9.1 that works.

           Trg-Ack  QS_RX_TEST_SETUP
           Trg-Ack  QS_RX_COMMAND
0000000001 =ASSERT= Mod=../src/utils/BitIterator.cpp,Loc=200
           Trg-Ack  QS_RX_TEST_TEARDOWN

and the output with 6.9.2 that does not work.

           Trg-Ack  QS_RX_TEST_SETUP
           Trg-Ack  QS_RX_COMMAND
0000000001 =ASSERT= Mod=../src/utils/BitIterator.cpp,Loc=200
           Trg-ERR  QS_RX_INFO
           Trg-ERR  0x50
           Trg-Ack  QS_RX_TEST_TEARDOWN

is the 2 lines "Trg-ERR" expected with 6.9.2? or did I miss something during the upgrade?

scachemaille commented 3 years ago

duplicate of https://sourceforge.net/p/qpc/bugs/293/