QuantumMechanics / NEM-sdk

NEM Developer Kit for Node.js and the browser
MIT License
137 stars 82 forks source link

rename package for npmjs package name guidelines #1

Closed evias closed 7 years ago

evias commented 7 years ago


in order to publish this package to https://npmjs.com , I needed to rename the package because they accept only lowercase. I decided to name the package "nem-nodejs-sdk" but if you prefer another name I would be up to modify this PR with the name you provide.

The package is now installable through npm directly with :

$ npm require nem-nodejs-sdk

The URL to the package on npmjs is here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nem-nodejs-sdk

QuantumMechanics commented 7 years ago


Thanks I was wondering how to publish on npm ^^

I decided to name the package "nem-nodejs-sdk" but if you prefer another name I would be up to modify this PR with the name you provide.

I was going to name it simply nem-sdk

evias commented 7 years ago

I pushed with "nem-sdk" now and also published to npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nem-sdk . And i removed the old npmjs from yesterday (nem-nodejs-sdk).

My opinion is it would be better to have one NEM Official package for this SDK that is linked to an npm release so maybe you can ask for forking your repo in the NemProject account?

I'm saying this because this morning I saw: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nem-api , last 2 commits on this clone is changing the donations address, so I would probably prefer to have a authentic NemProject repository fork for your SDK. (not saying that a change of donations is not allowed, simply want to make the point on the authenticity)

Nevertheless, great work! :+1:

QuantumMechanics commented 7 years ago


My opinion is it would be better to have one NEM Official package for this SDK that is linked to an npm release so maybe you can ask for forking your repo in the NemProject account?

Yes, published on here first so devs can check