QuantumPlasmas-IST / TETHYS-Graphene-Hydrodynamic-Simulation

Hydrodynamic simulation of plasmons in graphene
MIT License
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Turbulence study #64

Open pcosme opened 3 years ago

pcosme commented 3 years ago

Uma das análises que poderemos fazer com este nosso código é um estudo de turbulência, em particular na influência da viscosidade de Hall e/ou termos quânticos.

Para tal teremos de ponderar como tratar as escalas sub-rede onde se dá a dissipação

pcosme commented 3 years ago

I'll open a new branch dedicated to turbulence simulations to keep things well contained and organized

pcosme commented 3 years ago


First draft of turbulent flow

pcosme commented 3 years ago

MOVIE_velocity_stream_S.35.20vF.5.00vis.0.00odd.0.001l.0.00wc.0.00.mp4 First draft of turbulent flow

Having the following energy spectrum snap4500

Obtained with the (adapted to 2D and hdf5 files) code from https://github.com/fanav/Energy_Spectrum