QuantumQuadrate / CsPyController

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Cripple Cspy with this one simple trick! #59

Open cbyoung11 opened 3 years ago

cbyoung11 commented 3 years ago

If you have an experiment running and you pause it, then hit "Stop" in the experiment menu, and then you accidentally click "Run/Continue" instead of "Reset and Run", to start a new experiment, Cspy seems to force a measurement, in that an additional measurement from the stopped experiment shows up in the terminal. Specifically , if I am on Iteration 1, measurement 9, and I pause and then stop, and then hit run continue, the terminal will show "iteration 1, measurement 10 and then stop. picture of output below at this point, when you try to restart an experiment by any means, it gets stuck at "This is the pre-experiment save event. Origin reruns its save event at the end" I have not been able to fix this other than quitting cspy and restarting it.


c-poole commented 3 years ago

Weirdly enough this doesn't actually happen on my experiment.

JuanBohorquez3 commented 3 years ago

I'm not able to replicate this.

When I stop the experiment, then hit Run/Continue the experiment continues as if it had been paused, not stopped. I'm able to then stop the experiment and restart it as if nothing was wrong.

Here's hybrid's current settings file settings-2020-10-20-13-22-31.zip