Quantumshark / TestMod

mod for minecraft, adding various interesting minerals, machines and equipment
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Adjust heat parameters #14

Open digit1729 opened 4 years ago

digit1729 commented 4 years ago

The heat parameters for the 3 heat entities (blast furnace, copper heat pipe, solid fuel heater) need adjustment. They're passed in to the constructor of HeatCapabilityProvider (in BlastFurnace, Copper Heat Pipe and Solid Fuel Heater tile entity) as three values:

It's "strongly recommended" that capacity > 6 * conductivity + dissipation to prevent overshooting (note: if we can solve the underlying differential equation we could model this exponentially and thereby eliminate the issue. It's not as trivial as a normal exponential because there are seven differential temperature sources, not one.)

Also the fuel burning parameters in the burner could be tweaked (lines 75 and 78 in SolidFuelHeaterTileEntity.js)

Quantumshark commented 4 years ago

The Blast Furnace will keep the current conductivity (the recipe for it will include copper), but have its dissipation reduced to better account for the insulating effects of the blast bricks it is made of. The conductivity of copper heat pipes will be slightly increased, and their dissipation considerably increased. In the future, there will be insulated copper pipes with the same conductivity but considerably lower dissipation.

digit1729 commented 4 years ago

Might want to increase the thermal output of fuels. At the moment I'm finding that even blocks of coal only raise temperature very slowly and it comes back down very quickly. The latter is probably good, the former not so much. I think the conductivity is ok (check the conductivity of the heater too - that also should have copper in, and conductivity between two blocks is the lower of the two values) because I don't see the heater getting very hot and the blast furnace lagging a long way behind.

Quantumshark commented 4 years ago

The Solid Fuel Heater has been adjusted for reasonable performance when used in conjunction with a blast furnace, although it reaches somewhat above a reasonable temperature when used alone and filled with coal blocks. Since coal blocks are the most powerful fuel in the game, it's not unreasonable that the furnace reaches very high temperatures when powered by them, as the alternative would be it being massively underpowered with every other possible fuel source.

digit1729 commented 4 years ago

That sounds reasonable. One of the number parameters is the exponent which determines how much of the fuel's vanilla burn time is represented by longer burn and how much by greater fuel ouput. I think it's currently set to 0.7; increasing it will reduce the differential in heat generation and increase the difference in burn time, but it sounds like the balance is probably ok already.

digit1729 commented 4 years ago

In tests with stacks of coal, I'm getting a big temperature differential between the heater and the blast furnace (maybe 582 -> 534 with the two adjacent, 507 -> 420 with one heater, a heat pipe, and two furnaces in a T) A sole heater hits 1005 which is fine, but I wonder if perhaps the blast furnace has too much diffusion and the heater too little?

digit1729 commented 4 years ago

Looking at the numbers you've put in though ... it may be more likely that there's a flaw in my maths ...

Quantumshark commented 4 years ago

I have reduced the dissipation of the blast furnace to the same value (550) as the solid fuel heater, since both the blast furnace housing and the solid fuel heater are made with the same components (4 blast brick blocks and 4 copper ingots) on the outside.