QuarticCat / zsh-smartcache

A Zsh plugin to cache command output to boost shell startup.
MIT License
31 stars 2 forks source link

Bug: Error in eval with complex input #4

Open lentil32 opened 4 months ago

lentil32 commented 4 months ago

How to reproduce

In the end of .zshrc:

smartcache eval starship init

Error occurs (stuck):

$ exec zsh
$(/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")

Content of the command:

$ starship init zsh >> init.zsh
$ cat init.zsh
# ZSH has a quirk where `preexec` is only run if a command is actually run (i.e
# pressing ENTER at an empty command line will not cause preexec to fire). This
# can cause timing issues, as a user who presses "ENTER" without running a command
# will see the time to the start of the last command, which may be very large.

# To fix this, we create STARSHIP_START_TIME upon preexec() firing, and destroy it
# after drawing the prompt. This ensures that the timing for one command is only
# ever drawn once (for the prompt immediately after it is run).

zmodload zsh/parameter  # Needed to access jobstates variable for STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT

# Defines a function `__starship_get_time` that sets the time since epoch in millis in STARSHIP_CAPTURED_TIME.
if [[ $ZSH_VERSION == ([1-4]*) ]]; then
    # ZSH <= 5; Does not have a built-in variable so we will rely on Starship's inbuilt time function.
    __starship_get_time() {
        STARSHIP_CAPTURED_TIME=$(/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship time)
    zmodload zsh/datetime
    zmodload zsh/mathfunc
    __starship_get_time() {
        (( STARSHIP_CAPTURED_TIME = int(rint(EPOCHREALTIME * 1000)) ))

# The two functions below follow the naming convention `prompt_<theme>_<hook>`
# for compatibility with Zsh's prompt system. See
# https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh/blob/2876c25a28b8052d6683027998cc118fc9b50157/Functions/Prompts/promptinit#L155

# Runs before each new command line.
prompt_starship_precmd() {
    # Save the status, because subsequent commands in this function will change $?

    # Calculate duration if a command was executed
    if (( ${+STARSHIP_START_TIME} )); then
    # Drop status and duration otherwise

    # Use length of jobstates array as number of jobs. Expansion fails inside
    # quotes so we set it here and then use the value later on.

# Runs after the user submits the command line, but before it is executed and
# only if there's an actual command to run
prompt_starship_preexec() {

# Add hook functions
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_starship_precmd
add-zsh-hook preexec prompt_starship_preexec

# Set up a function to redraw the prompt if the user switches vi modes
starship_zle-keymap-select() {
    zle reset-prompt

## Check for existing keymap-select widget.
# zle-keymap-select is a special widget so it'll be "user:fnName" or nothing. Let's get fnName only.
if [[ -z $__starship_preserved_zle_keymap_select ]]; then
    zle -N zle-keymap-select starship_zle-keymap-select;
    # Define a wrapper fn to call the original widget fn and then Starship's.
    starship_zle-keymap-select-wrapped() {
        $__starship_preserved_zle_keymap_select "$@";
        starship_zle-keymap-select "$@";
    zle -N zle-keymap-select starship_zle-keymap-select-wrapped;

export STARSHIP_SHELL="zsh"

# Set up the session key that will be used to store logs
STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY="$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM"; # Random generates a number b/w 0 - 32767
STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY="${STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY}0000000000000000" # Pad it to 16+ chars.
export STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY=${STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY:0:16}; # Trim to 16-digits if excess.


setopt promptsubst

PROMPT='$('/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship' prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")'
RPROMPT='$('/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship' prompt --right --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")'
PROMPT2="$(/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship prompt --continuation)"
# ZSH has a quirk where `preexec` is only run if a command is actually run (i.e
# pressing ENTER at an empty command line will not cause preexec to fire). This
# can cause timing issues, as a user who presses "ENTER" without running a command
# will see the time to the start of the last command, which may be very large.

# To fix this, we create STARSHIP_START_TIME upon preexec() firing, and destroy it
# after drawing the prompt. This ensures that the timing for one command is only
# ever drawn once (for the prompt immediately after it is run).

zmodload zsh/parameter  # Needed to access jobstates variable for STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT

# Defines a function `__starship_get_time` that sets the time since epoch in millis in STARSHIP_CAPTURED_TIME.
if [[ $ZSH_VERSION == ([1-4]*) ]]; then
    # ZSH <= 5; Does not have a built-in variable so we will rely on Starship's inbuilt time function.
    __starship_get_time() {
        STARSHIP_CAPTURED_TIME=$(/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship time)
    zmodload zsh/datetime
    zmodload zsh/mathfunc
    __starship_get_time() {
        (( STARSHIP_CAPTURED_TIME = int(rint(EPOCHREALTIME * 1000)) ))

# The two functions below follow the naming convention `prompt_<theme>_<hook>`
# for compatibility with Zsh's prompt system. See
# https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh/blob/2876c25a28b8052d6683027998cc118fc9b50157/Functions/Prompts/promptinit#L155

# Runs before each new command line.
prompt_starship_precmd() {
    # Save the status, because subsequent commands in this function will change $?

    # Calculate duration if a command was executed
    if (( ${+STARSHIP_START_TIME} )); then
    # Drop status and duration otherwise

    # Use length of jobstates array as number of jobs. Expansion fails inside
    # quotes so we set it here and then use the value later on.

# Runs after the user submits the command line, but before it is executed and
# only if there's an actual command to run
prompt_starship_preexec() {

# Add hook functions
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_starship_precmd
add-zsh-hook preexec prompt_starship_preexec

# Set up a function to redraw the prompt if the user switches vi modes
starship_zle-keymap-select() {
    zle reset-prompt

## Check for existing keymap-select widget.
# zle-keymap-select is a special widget so it'll be "user:fnName" or nothing. Let's get fnName only.
if [[ -z $__starship_preserved_zle_keymap_select ]]; then
    zle -N zle-keymap-select starship_zle-keymap-select;
    # Define a wrapper fn to call the original widget fn and then Starship's.
    starship_zle-keymap-select-wrapped() {
        $__starship_preserved_zle_keymap_select "$@";
        starship_zle-keymap-select "$@";
    zle -N zle-keymap-select starship_zle-keymap-select-wrapped;

export STARSHIP_SHELL="zsh"

# Set up the session key that will be used to store logs
STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY="$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM"; # Random generates a number b/w 0 - 32767
STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY="${STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY}0000000000000000" # Pad it to 16+ chars.
export STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY=${STARSHIP_SESSION_KEY:0:16}; # Trim to 16-digits if excess.


setopt promptsubst

PROMPT='$('/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship' prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")'
RPROMPT='$('/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship' prompt --right --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")'
PROMPT2="$(/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship prompt --continuation)"


QuarticCat commented 3 months ago

Sorry for delaying so long. I was quite busy in the past several weeks.

I tried smartcache eval starship init zsh and there's no error occurs. Can you share your zsh config and starship config so that I can reproduce the problem?

lentil32 commented 3 months ago


The content of $ starship init zsh is in the first(main) thread.

Last lines of .zshrc:

############ Eval ############

# smartcache eval opam env --switch=default --set-switch --shell zsh

# Why `--no-cmd`: https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/issues/633
smartcache eval fasd --init auto
smartcache eval zoxide init zsh --no-cmd
smartcache eval batpipe
smartcache eval setjavahome
smartcache eval thefuck --alias
smartcache eval navi widget zsh # Ctrl + G to execute navi
smartcache eval direnv hook zsh
smartcache eval starship init zsh --print-full-init

Environment: macOS Sonoma 14 Alacritty

On my computer, manually running $ smartcache eval starship init zsh in Alacritty(not automatically from .zshrc) also occurs hanging.

QuarticCat commented 3 months ago

Error occurs (stuck):

$ exec zsh
$(/Users/user/.cargo/bin/starship prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")

Clearly the output of this line relates to your starship configuration and the environment. I don't have a config so the output is pretty simple:


Yours must be different. Could you please provide the output of this line and your starship config?

lentil32 commented 3 months ago

Yours must be different. Could you please provide the output of this line and your starship config?

I see. Here is my starship.toml:

# Rerences:
# - https://www.codependentcodr.com/using-starship-for-terminal-prompt-goodness.html

# Get editor completions based on the config schema
"$schema" = 'https://starship.rs/config-schema.json'

format = """
$python \
$aws \

# Inserts a blank line between shell prompts
add_newline = true

success_symbol = " [λ](grey)"
error_symbol = " [λ](bold red)"

format = "[:$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) "
read_only = " ro"
style = "#769ff0"
truncation_length = 3
truncation_symbol = "…/"

symbol = ""
style = "bold white"
format = '[\($symbol$branch\)]($style) '

tag_symbol = " tag "

# I don't care about untracked files or that there's a stash present.
untracked = ""
format = '([\[$conflicted$deleted$renamed$modified$staged$behind\]]($style) )'
modified = '*'

disabled = false
format = '[\[$status - $common_meaning\]](bold red)'

disabled = true
time_format = "%R" # Hour:Minute Format
format = '  $time '

symbol = "aws "

symbol = "az "

symbol = "bun "

symbol = "C "

symbol = "cobol "

symbol = "conda "

symbol = "cr "

symbol = "cmake "

symbol = "daml "

symbol = "dart "

symbol = "deno "

symbol = ".NET "

symbol = "docker "

symbol = "exs "

symbol = "elm "

symbol = "fnl "

symbol = "fossil "

symbol = "gcp "

symbol = "go "

symbol = "gradle "

symbol = "guix "

symbol = "hg "

symbol = "java "

symbol = "jl "

symbol = "kt "

symbol = "lua "

symbol = "nodejs "

symbol = "memory "

symbol = "meson "

symbol = "nim "

symbol = "nix "

symbol = "ml "

symbol = "opa "

symbol = "pkg "

symbol = "pl "

symbol = "php "

symbol = "pijul "

symbol = "pulumi "

symbol = "purs "

symbol = "py "
python_binary = ['./venv/bin/python', 'python3']

symbol = "raku "

symbol = "rb "

symbol = "rs "

symbol = "scala "

symbol = "spack "

symbol = "solidity "

# [status]
# symbol = "[x](bold red) "

symbol = "sudo "

symbol = "swift "

symbol = "terraform "

symbol = "zig "

Alpaquita = "alq "
Alpine = "alp "
Amazon = "amz "
Android = "andr "
Arch = "rch "
Artix = "atx "
CentOS = "cent "
Debian = "deb "
DragonFly = "dfbsd "
Emscripten = "emsc "
EndeavourOS = "ndev "
Fedora = "fed "
FreeBSD = "fbsd "
Garuda = "garu "
Gentoo = "gent "
HardenedBSD = "hbsd "
Illumos = "lum "
Linux = "lnx "
Mabox = "mbox "
Macos = "mac "
Manjaro = "mjo "
Mariner = "mrn "
MidnightBSD = "mid "
Mint = "mint "
NetBSD = "nbsd "
NixOS = "nix "
OpenBSD = "obsd "
OpenCloudOS = "ocos "
openEuler = "oeul "
openSUSE = "osuse "
OracleLinux = "orac "
Pop = "pop "
Raspbian = "rasp "
Redhat = "rhl "
RedHatEnterprise = "rhel "
Redox = "redox "
Solus = "sol "
SUSE = "suse "
Ubuntu = "ubnt "
Unknown = "unk "
Windows = "win "
QuarticCat commented 3 months ago

I still can't reproduce the problem... Will this command block your shell?

$ starship prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT"

And have you confirmed that it works well after removing smartcache?

lentil32 commented 3 months ago

I still can't reproduce the problem... Will this command block your shell?

$ starship prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT"

And have you confirmed that it works well after removing smartcache?

I have no problem with running that command. Also, i have no issue without smartcache and with https://github.com/lentil32/zsh-smartcache/tree/main this forked version.

QuarticCat commented 3 months ago

Normally, split_word is turned off (and I used emulate to ensure that), which means a variable, say a='1 2 3', after expansion, say foo $a, won't be split into multiple arguments. So I thought we no longer needed to quote them. However, for array variables and subshells, things are a bit different.

I'm not sure if I understand those tricky behaviors correctly and I cannot reproduce the problem. Could you take a look to see if the latest commit solves your problem?

lentil32 commented 3 months ago

Issue remains...

compdef: unknown command or service: bat
compdef: unknown command or service: rg
$(/Users/username/.cargo/bin/starship prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")
$(/Users/username/.cargo/bin/starship prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")
$(/Users/username/.cargo/bin/starship prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")
$(/Users/username/.cargo/bin/starship prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")pwd
$(/Users/username/.cargo/bin/starship prompt --terminal-width="$COLUMNS" --keymap="${KEYMAP:-}" --status="$STARSHIP_CMD_STATUS" --pipestatus="${STARSHIP_PIPE_STATUS[*]}" --cmd-duration="${STARSHIP_DURATION:-}" --jobs="$STARSHIP_JOBS_COUNT")

The shell works(see 6th line, there's pwd and the result is in the next line), but that message always appears when i press enter(^M). My cursor position is just after the messages.