QuasarApp / CQtDeployer

This project is used to deploy applications written using QML, qt or other С / С++ frameworks.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Deploy application with custom QML library/plugin #806

Closed avkochekov closed 2 days ago

avkochekov commented 2 months ago

I build a test application with the linked QML library on ubuntu 22.0.4. When I launch the application I get the error:

QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/ExampleProjectApp/example/qml/example.qml:13:5: TkItemControls is not a type

I tried to set the parameters -libDir, -extraLibs, -extraPlugin but it didn’t help.

Test app sources: https://github.com/avkochekov/QmlCommonUiLib Deploy log: deploy.log

EndrII commented 2 months ago

i was checked your example, and found some issues with project structure, that cannot, allow deploying your plugin, and i found issue that i need to make a simple research to found solution. Unfortunate, i need more time (except my work time) to prepare an understandable answer and example.

As an alternative, i recommend use simple dynamic library for external qml modules instead qml/qt plugins. It works as a usual shared or static library. (its my way to use qml) you can see example on my other projects.

For example here:

EndrII commented 2 days ago

i close this issue, because it is inactive