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Autonomous Qubes-OS install (kickstart) #19

Closed Aekez closed 6 years ago

Aekez commented 6 years ago


The purpose of kickstart files is to install an operation system from start to end with less, or no human interaction at all. A kickstart file is therefore essentially a pre-configuration of any settings you may normally need to adjust during a normal Linux install. Here you may find instructions on how to get started with Qubes OS and kickstart files.

Typical uses List is not exhausted, there may be other uses not listed here. These are just the most common use-cases.

Once you constructed your kickstart file, using them is faster than via normal install. It may take some time in the beginning to get proper habits and adjusting your personal settings, but consider it a time investment to save time and hassles in the future. Note new Qubes version release distributions may be slightly different, sometimes this may or may not require changes to your kickstart file. Be sure to keep your kickstart file secured, or check it against any changes done by 3rd party sources. However kickstart files are simple enough to quickly review before use, be sure you check everything, packages as well.

Kickstart Template

You may find the kickstart template if you scroll a bit further down. Please modify personal settings, drives to install to, partitioning, or other variables.

This particular kickstart template will once initiated, install Qubes fully autonomously, without any human interaction, to the selected drive sda at /dev/sda, be sure you modify it to install on the correct drives. If you're not sure, then please disconnect other drives to ensure you do not mistakenly overwrite them.

Users who have NVMe disks, please replace sda with nvme0n1. Keep in mind if you got more than one NVMe drive, that this changes nvme0nXpY in a similar fashion to normal sdXY. For example nvme0n3 is equivalent to sdc, and nvme0n3p4 is equivalent to sdc4.

Once installed, and Qubes is booting for the first time, and if you're asked to put a new username please use the same user-name in the Qubes initial-setup as you have put in your kickstart file.

Kickstart files are very easy to use and initiated. Whether on the installer medium or on a seperate medium, you just need to include the kickstart file location in the installer command line. For Qubes 4, press the Tab key at early Qubes installer boot stage, before you start the installer. Insert ks=hd:sda:/ks.cfg. Keep in mind it can be modified logically. If the ks.cfg is named differently, if its in a folder, if you're using a different device (like for example sdc4), or you're pulling it from a network location, etc. Please look it up if more is needed to config.

Copy and paste the below into a text editor, use nano, vi, or which text editor you prefer. Edit it to your needs, don't run it without first checking account details and drive install location. The name of the kickstart file is optional, but it must always end with .cfg. Naming it ks.cfg is recommended. Simply move it to anywhere the installer can reach it when booting, whether using the same medium or an extra separate medium.

You may use any terminal to identify a second medium's location. But remember if you unplug, or shutdown the machine after plugging in two or more medium devices, that their hierarchy may change. Sometimes a machines BIOS/UEFI may behave oddly in this manner. Keep this in mind if you cannot start/load the kickstart file. Installer will inform you before it starts making changes to the drive, if the kickstart file cannot be found, or if there are instructions it cannot understand in the kickstart file.

# Kickstart file, preconfiguring the Qubes installer settings.

# Initializing installer
auth --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512

# Protective measures
ignoredisk --only-use=sda
firewall --service=ssh
network  --hostname=dom0
rootpw --lock

# Account details
keyboard --vckeymap=us --xlayouts='us'
lang en_US.UTF-8
timezone Europe/London --isUtc
user --groups=wheel,qubes --name=change-name-here --password=change-pwd-here

# Disk and Partitioning
bootloader --location=mbr --boot-drive=sda
clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=sda

# Boot settings
xconfig  --startxonboot
firstboot --enable



pwpolicy root --minlen=0 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --emptyok
pwpolicy user --minlen=0 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --emptyok
pwpolicy luks --minlen=0 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --emptyok

Extra configurations

Optional package list List is not finished, will be updated.


Kickstart uses gone wrong - Examples to avoid

Tips and tricks that may make a difference

Insight, guides, and other external resources

Kickstart files are sometimes controversial in culture

Some label them for advanced users only (being too difficult to use), while others label them for noobs, or newbs, only. The beliefs, or statements, are contradictionary to each others. In reality though, kickstart files can be useful for anyone, whether made for someone who is not very skilled with computers, or useful for someone who is an advanced computer user. So it is best to keep it that way, kickstart files are useful tools that everyone can use in some way or another, don't let silly culture conjuncture influence what you use, if it is useful to you. Furthermore, anyone who have the skill level to install and use Qubes on their own, can probably also build and use their own kickstart files. They're not as scary as they might seem at first.

Consideration before submitting updates to this doc

This doc is originally submitted by the independent volunteer group Qubes Community Collaboration. You're free to submit improvements on your own, but you can also go through our channels at https://github.com/Qubes-Community/Contents/issues if you would like to improve the doc with our volunteer collaboration. If its your first time submitting docs and you would like to be be independent, then we still recommend you get some experience through our channels first, before submitting anything officially for quality review by the Qubes staff. Of course you're also welcome to join our volunteer efforts as a collaboration.

Aekez commented 6 years ago

I put forward the request for feedback and criticism from the community, in order to polish this post before submitting it up for the official doc request. Please don't hold back, anything that can be improved would be of interest.

Currently there are extras in the tips section, and also other sub-guides that may be useful to include in the doc, however, the doc is considered roughly finished when it comes to basic use of Qubes and kickstart files. Extras can be added now, or in the future with doc improvement requests.

Pointing out mistakes or missing elements are highly appreciated, thank you.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Nice howto ! I doubt you'll receive some feedback soon on that one though - it's pretty involved and would require having a spare machine to test + some time. What about publishing it as-is, with a disclaimer at the top that it's a work in progress and that suggestions/bug reports are welcome ?

Aekez commented 6 years ago

@taradiddles Cheers! :) You got a very good point, I'll follow up on your suggestion and try summit it. I still got some minor areas I can maybe improve if I research a bit more, I'll do that first before I summit it.

Including the last section is more community related, seems good enough? I also just modified the last sentence (the parts in black), in the quote below (before editing above post).

I'm battling with my self whether to include the message part (the parts mostly in black below), because it may seem too far from the Qubes OS guidelines on how docs must be build. Would the Qubes OS staff and developers, and users, actually value this piece of information? If being unusual harsh, it could even be seen as an ad/promotion rather than free helpful information. Maybe we should cut it down a bit and keep this information on our own site instead, and just make a smaller quicker version of the below?

Consideration before submitting updates to this doc

This doc is originally submitted by the independent volunteer group Qubes Community Collaboration. You're free to submit improvements on your own to the Qubes OS staff for review, but you can also first go through our channels at https://github.com/Qubes-Community/Contents/issues if you would like to improve the doc with our volunteer collaboration. This saves the Qubes OS staff time and resources, and it helps improving doc summits further when worked and shaped by a community. If its your first time submitting docs and you would like to be be independent, then we still recommend you get some experience through our channels first, before submitting anything officially on your own to be quality reviewed by the Qubes staff. Everyone who wants to participate are welcome to join the qubes community volunteer efforts by simply creating a GitHub account and start posting and participating in the community. But be mindful that we have a codex not to contradict Qubes OS, and also to keep and maintain community language open, transparent, and maintaining the general community atmosphere in a natural balanced and healthy state.

Aekez commented 6 years ago

Closing this issue and moving content into the doc section. Above content may be deleted to avoid inconsistencies between 2 versions. You may find the most updated QCC version in content under docs/hardware.