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stop using abbreviations for default vm names #1776

Open mfc opened 8 years ago

mfc commented 8 years ago

we need to stop using non-intuitive abbreviations, which are:

anything "sys-" should instead be "system-"

Zrubi commented 8 years ago

Why we have to use those prefixes at all?? Wouldn't be more simple using:

Thos are shorter. And sys-/system is not add anything meaningful to them.

marmarek commented 8 years ago

Those VMs are generally something that user shouldn't (need to) interact with in normal cases. But I agree that using name prefix for it isn't ideal. Especially having 31 chars limit... Probably worth a tag "system" (#865) and then other indication like separate section in Qubes Manager ("System VMs"/"System Qubes").

Best Regards, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki Invisible Things Lab A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

mfc commented 8 years ago

I like those ideas and dropping the prefixes. +1

woju commented 8 years ago

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 01:58:05AM -0800, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki wrote:

Probably worth a tag "system" (#865) and then other indication like separate section in Qubes Manager ("System VMs"/"System Qubes").

Tags aren't meant to do anything by ourselves, like separating something in Qubes Manager. They are solely for the user. Probably better use features (revamped services, still not implemented).

regards, .-. Wojtek Porczyk .-^' '^-. Invisible Things Lab '-.-^-.-'
I do not fear computers, '-.-'

I fear lack of them. '-. : ,-' -- Isaac Asimov `^-^->

andrewdavidwong commented 8 years ago

Personally, I like the sys- tags because they cause all system-related VMs to be sorted together lexically. I also prefer sys- over system- because I find shorter names easier to visually scan at a glance (e.g., when reading through a long list of VMs), and I find sys- to be an intuitive and unambiguous abbreviation for system in the context of Qubes.

mfc commented 8 years ago

Personally, I like the sys- tags because they cause all system-related VMs to be sorted together lexically

okay but "system" VMs should instead be sorted or kept in a "system vm" section of QVM based on their attribute of being "system vms", not by prefix.

comradekingu commented 8 years ago

Adding 'system-' to network or firewall relies on context to signify 'remote' or 'local'. Then again doing away with the prefixes and adding 'remote' or 'local' where it applies is probably the better option.

ninavizz commented 3 years ago

Yes, to both @mfc and @andrewdavidwong's comments, above.

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There is definitely a problem of too-long prefixes in Qubes today, introducing a cognitive burden to users when seeking to parse item names in Qubes Manager and App Menu. And yet, neither utility groups qubes by "Type" or "Role," so the only way to do that grouping is by alphabetization... which the prefixes function to achieve, as a hack to the prior problem.

6665 will solve for the App Menu need, which leaves open the need to introduce "Sort By Role" (vs by Type, which is a separate lengthy discussion) as a functionality in Qubes Manager. Which may then call into question if the API/backend already have these identifiers built-in.

Once those are built-in and this capability is built-in to Qubes Manager, I feel we can close this ticket—as it seems the broader solution, is "Stop using prefixes as a sorting mechanism for qubes, the Qube Manager and App Menu" (and possibly in relevant dropdowns).