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Xfce4 widget for displaying label/title of the currently focused AppVM #2136

Open rootkovska opened 8 years ago

rootkovska commented 8 years ago

Some user might want to have a fixed indicator (e.g. in the main top panel) which always displays the color (and title?) of the currently focused AppVM. This is to prevent GUI spoofing attacks where a red-bordered malicious windows draws a fake green-border-password-prompting windows inside itself, hoping the user would paste some sensitive password there. There are many ways to work around such attacks, e.g. via activation of expose-like effect (Present Windows in KDE, or the somehow less convenient version via Alt-Tab in Xfce4), or by manually moving the sensitive window around the screen. Still this method might be slightly more convenient.

alimirjamali commented 2 months ago

Even though the idea is 8 years old, it is still very useful.

This is doable by a query of _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, then _QUBES_LABEL_COLOR and _QUBES_VMNAME for Window ID. A similar approach could be developed for Wayland in foreseeable future.

@marmarek What repository should be the preferred one for XFCE plugins dedicated to Qubes OS? We have qubes-desktop-linux-xfce4-xfwm4, qubes-desktop-linux-xfce4 and qubes-desktop-linux-xfce4-garcon

Related: #6654 Also related to a lesser extent: #4260

marmarek commented 2 months ago

@marmarek What repository should be the preferred one for XFCE plugins dedicated to Qubes OS? We have qubes-desktop-linux-xfce4-xfwm4, qubes-desktop-linux-xfce4 and qubes-desktop-linux-xfce4-garcon

I'd say either desktop-linux-xfce4 (but make it sub-package), or a new repo