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Consider support for Flatpak/snapd #2766

Open v6ak opened 7 years ago

v6ak commented 7 years ago

Both Flatpak and Snapd can be eused alogside of usual package managers. Flatpak seems to be more interesting, because it supports per-user installation. So, if you need a specific app in one VM (e.g., Skype or Spotify), you can install it there without affecting the template and without cloning it. Snapd does not seem to (currently) support it.

For snapd support, it should be relatively easy:

For basic support of Flatpak, it is the same:

For user installs, it might be a little harder:

Related discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/VDs-5y6tUlI

tapir1 commented 6 years ago

Any updates towards this milestone? I'm eager to have this.

maximilize commented 6 years ago

I just wrote a simple script which makes snappy installs persistent over reboots in app VM's. https://gist.github.com/maximilize/5043fc09614438791dce3406cc6b69f7

marmarek commented 6 years ago

@maximilize looking at your script it seems enough to make some directory persistent using bind-dirs. For example /rw/config/qubes-bind-dirs.d/50_snapd.conf:

binds+=( '/var/lib/snapd' '/snap' )

This doesn't handle snap-*.mount files, can you provide example one and when it is created?

maximilize commented 6 years ago

The mount files are created by snap during app installation. Here a script to recreate the systemd mount files:

#!/bin/bash -e

cd /var/lib/snapd/snaps/
while read app revision; do
        cat >/etc/systemd/system/snap-$app-$revision.mount <<EOF
Description=Mount unit for ${app}, revision ${revision}


        sudo systemctl -q enable snap-$app-$revision.mount
        sudo systemctl -q start snap-$app-$revision.mount
done < <(ls *.snap | cut -d'.' -f1 | sed 's/_/ /')
maximilize commented 6 years ago

Here my final solution: https://gist.github.com/maximilize/6070958a08246f7a849379a9d530faa9

It would be great to see a system like this integrated into qubes. With snap, it is possible to install new persistent apps in AppVM's, without the need to touch the template.

marmarek commented 6 years ago

I've packaged it here: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-app-linux-snapd-helper Slightly modified:

Debian packaging on the way. Many thanks @maximilize! One missing piece is adding menu entries, but that depends on #4152 (then, it's only matter of adding yet another directory - /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications).

maximilize commented 6 years ago

Awesome, thanks for integrating it so quickly!

marmarek commented 6 years ago

Take a look at it, especially if you're ok with GPLv2+ license (right now only mentioned in rpm file, need to add actual license file).

maximilize commented 6 years ago

Sure, GPLv2 is fine. I already checked your code, it all seems to be good.

marmarek commented 6 years ago

Package uploaded to current-testing repository for R4.0.

tasket commented 5 years ago

This sounds really good. I'd just like to mention that the ability to install in /rw per-user comes with the downside that persistent malware can reside there. This should be mentioned when documenting the feature.

As an alternative, it may be possible to have templates configured for a separate snapd/flatpak volume that is read-only to appvms. (Maybe they could even be shared between templates, at least in snap's case - although I'm not sure if this is a great way to save resources.) Otherwise, simple installation into template root is the better and more Qubes-like policy.

msm-code commented 5 years ago

Note for other people as dense as I was today:

You're supposed to install qubes-snapd-helper package in the template vm, to be able to install snaps in derived vms.


tasket commented 5 years ago

@maximilize qubes-snapd-helper apparently doesn't allow installation into templates (or at least not via the update proxy). Is there any guide for installing snaps into a template instead of appVM /rw?

The reason I ask is that some packages are now only readily available as snaps, so there is a use case where the user simply wants to use snapd because software is not available via default apt or dnf repos. In this case, the software stays in root and is therefore more secure than if it resided in /rw.

ioleo commented 5 years ago

@marmarek is there any documentation how to use this qubes-snapd-helper? So far I managed to install it in TemplateVM. But I can't get my snaps persistent in AppVM. I'm probably missing some step here.

jpouellet commented 5 years ago

I had a fedora template reliably hang while trying to apply (dnf) updates during some flatpack step. I had to go in and kill some flatpack process for the VM to be able to proceed with updates. Unfortunately I don't remember the details of exactly what the process was and what it was blocked on, and I don't have an old template with the same behavior lying around to reproduce, but figured I'd mention it anyway. It was reproducible at the time though (trying to update would hang every time, until I finally helped it past that step by killing the process).

marmarek commented 5 years ago

Like #4466 ? I've seen that too. I haven't managed to reproduce it reliably, but it looked like waiting for some network data. Which is weird, as templates don't have normal network interface (nor flatpak is configured to use updates proxy), so it should fail immediately with "no route to host" error.

Back to the topic of this issue, flatpak generally should work fine in TemplateBasedVM as long as flatpak install --user is used. In TemplateVM on the other hand, flatpak install --system could be a good way, but it needs to be configured to use updates proxy. I haven't found out how, yet.

I've updated description to include those steps.

jpouellet commented 5 years ago

Like #4466 ?

Yes, IIRC exactly that.

v6ak commented 5 years ago

Back to the topic of this issue, flatpak generally should work fine in TemplateBasedVM as long as flatpak install --user is used.

I can confirm it. It works well for me. I see two pitfalls:

So, when you just copy a command from some howto, you likely need to both add --user and remove sudo.

ioleo commented 5 years ago

@marmarek Never mind my comment above.

For future reference/others - it seems all you need to do is to (for Fedora based VMs):

WARNING My problem was caused by symlink sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap (in TemplateVM) which I added at some point to make snapd work (before I learned about the helper). If you did like me, simply remove the symlink sudo rm /snap, it conflicts with the helper.

100111001 commented 5 years ago

I've used the instruction above to install 2 programs using snap (slack+freeplane):

Unfortunately, it happens on a regulary basis (weekly), that starting these apps results in the following error: [user@b ~]$ slack internal error, please report: running "slack" failed: cannot find installed snap "slack" at revision 17: missing file /var/lib/snapd/snap/slack/17/meta/snap.yaml [user@b ~]$ snap slack error: unknown command "slack", see 'snap help'.

After that the progs are not startable anymore. The same error is shown. Restart doesn't help.

The workaround is to re-install the snap programs. Unfortunately, with this you lose all settings of the progs.

Any suggestions or ideas?

100111001 commented 4 years ago

I noticed that my issue reported above disappears if I disable connections to api.snapcraft.io Of course after that it's not possible to use snap to refresh or install new applications. But at least the installed apps do not break anymore. So, existing workaround is:

  1. install all needed snaps
  2. disable connections to api.snapcraft.io using the build in firewall
  3. (to manual refresh/update/install of the apps you can re-enable connections to api.snapcraft.io temporary)
heinrich-ulbricht commented 4 years ago

Following the instructions from @ioleo worked like a charm for Signal Messenger. I successfully installed it to a current Fedora 30-based AppVM. Thank you.

Note that when installing snapd a failure message is being shown but as discussed in #5392 this shouldn't and apparently doesn't matter.

Now let's see if I run into the same issues as @100111001. For now I'll allow connections to api.snapcraft.io.

100111001 commented 4 years ago

@heinrich-ulbricht have you experienced the same issue I described? I faced it again on 2 different machines. At the one with access to api.snapcraft.io slacks and other apps stop starting from time to time and I have ro reinstall them (via snap). At the other with blocked access to api.snapcraft.io no so such issue appears.

heinrich-ulbricht commented 4 years ago

@100111001 I had no problems since installing Signal Messenger on my machine. So far it just works.

100111001 commented 4 years ago

@100111001 I had no problems since installing Signal Messenger on my machine. So far it just works.

I'd like to try to narrow it down to a root cause. I'm using:

@heinrich-ulbricht could you provide your system details?

v6ak commented 4 years ago

I remember similar issues with snapd, although I don't have exact description. As far as I have remember, even --classic snaps (namely Powershell) have those issues.

heinrich-ulbricht commented 4 years ago


Since I'm only using one snap so far (Signal Messenger) I might be of limited help here. But we can try :)

v6ak commented 4 years ago

The --classic option is required by some snaps and it disables sandboxing. As I can read at https://snapcraft.io/signal-desktop[https://snapcraft.io/signal-desktop] , Signal messenger doesn't require it, so you probably don't use it, unless you have explicitly (and probably knowingly) specified this option.

ar4s-eth commented 4 years ago

@marmarek Never mind my comment above.

For future reference/others - it seems all you need to do is to (for Fedora based VMs):

  • sudo dnf install qubes-snapd-helper snapd in Template VM
  • shutdown Template VM (and App VM if it was running) so that changes are applied
  • snap install <package> in App VM
  • shutdown App VM
  • now, go to Qube Settings for your App VM --> Applications tab --> click Refresh Applications
  • your <package> is now not only persistent, but also registered as any other package and can be selected for the quick launch menu

WARNING My problem was caused by symlink sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap (in TemplateVM) which I added at some point to make snapd work (before I learned about the helper). If you did like me, simply remove the symlink sudo rm /snap, it conflicts with the helper.

Sorry if this is a stupid question (just getting started with Linux): After installing qubes-snapd helper in the Fedora Template VM (and rebooting), am I supposed to be able to invoke "snap" in the App VM? (command not found). Am I also required to snapd in the template VM?

marmarek commented 4 years ago

Yes, you also need to install snapd in the template.

Echocage commented 3 years ago

@100111001 I have the exact same problem.

This time when I restarted, it was /var/lib/snapd/snaps/spotify_42.snap that was removed. when I try to run it, I see

internal error, please report: running "spotify" failed: cannot find installed snap "spotify" at revision 42: missing file /snap/spotify/42/meta/snap.yaml and running snap list results in

Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
spotify 42 latest/stable spotify✓ broken

Everytime I start my VM, I see a random number of

Device Removed /var/lib/snapd/snaps/*.snap is removed

showing which snap install broke this time.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem? This has really be impacting my work, snaps are randomly broken constantly.

Notes: I'm running qubes 4.0.3 with debian appvms, and most of these packages do require --classic to function.

marmarek commented 3 years ago

Do you have /snap as a symlink to /var/lib/snapd/snap? It should look like this:

$ ls -l /snap
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Sep 12 13:12 /snap -> /var/lib/snapd/snap

Check at both times when application is working and when it just broke. Check also if /var/lib/snapd is properly mounted:

$ mount|grep ' /var/lib/snapd '
/dev/xvdb on /var/lib/snapd type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard)
Echocage commented 3 years ago

@marmarek So the /var/lib/snapd seems to be mounted correctly, but it looks like my ls -l /snap isn't returning the link

user@work:~$ ls -l /snap
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 18 00:50 bin
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Oct 18 00:50 core
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 12 02:14 core18
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 12 02:14 dbeaver-

Any idea why this isn't properly being linked automatically? What can I do to fix this?

It also doesn't look like /snap exists in /var/lib/snapd, I wonder why that is

ls: cannot access '/var/lib/snapd/snap': No such file or directory

Idk if this matters, but I installed snap on the template, is that what's causing this issues? I installed the actual snap packages on the appvm All of my qubes seem to have this same issue for whatever reason.

marmarek commented 3 years ago

I missed you said Debian VM - there /snap is supposed to be a directory, not a symlink. Make sure you have qubes-snapd-helper installed in the template.

Echocage commented 3 years ago

I missed you said Debian VM - there /snap is supposed to be a directory, not a symlink. Make sure you have qubes-snapd-helper installed in the template.

Oh shoot, gotcha. I've got qubes-snapd-helper on the template. Very strange that it's happening on all my cubes. Maybe I'll try creating some fresh qubes from scratch and see if it's still an issue. Thanks anyways mate!

Echocage commented 3 years ago

Does anyone have a solutio

@100111001 I have the exact same problem.

This time when I restarted, it was /var/lib/snapd/snaps/spotify_42.snap that was removed. when I try to run it, I see

internal error, please report: running "spotify" failed: cannot find installed snap "spotify" at revision 42: missing file /snap/spotify/42/meta/snap.yaml and running snap list results in

Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
spotify 42 latest/stable spotify✓ broken

Everytime I start my VM, I see a random number of

Device Removed /var/lib/snapd/snaps/*.snap is removed

showing which snap install broke this time.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem? This has really be impacting my work, snaps are randomly broken constantly.

Notes: I'm running qubes 4.0.3 with debian appvms, and most of these packages do require --classic to function.

Does anyone have any solution to this? This happens when I start new containers for both debian and fedora. Packages will almost always break within 1-3 restarts of the appvm. Is there a way that I can stop this from happening?

100111001 commented 3 years ago

I haven't checked the suggestion from Marek (https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/2766#issuecomment-707020075), yet, as this issue happens now less often. But from time to time my slack breaks the same way. My latest hypothesis is that it's a concurrency issue during start of the AppVM, because sometimes when this error occurred, it could be solved by rebooting the AppVM. As soon as I couldn't resolve this after the 3rd reboot, I re-installed the (slack) snap.

It's not really a solution, but at least 2 workarounds which work for me.

100111001 commented 3 years ago

Do you have /snap as a symlink to /var/lib/snapd/snap? It should look like this:

$ ls -l /snap
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Sep 12 13:12 /snap -> /var/lib/snapd/snap

Check at both times when application is working and when it just broke. Check also if /var/lib/snapd is properly mounted:

$ mount|grep ' /var/lib/snapd '
/dev/xvdb on /var/lib/snapd type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard)

Once again it happened that a snap was missing after a restart of the VM everything works again.


$ mount|grep ' /var/lib/snapd '


$ ls -l /snap

show the same result not depending on whether snap is working or not.

Looking forward to support in further investigations.

100111001 commented 3 years ago

Trying to execute the snap application at command line results in:

cannot perform operation: mount --rbind /dev /tmp/snap.rootfs_Sfyhgj//dev: No such file or directory

After a restart of the AppVM, the snap starts like a charm.

100111001 commented 3 years ago

Additional observation: Since it happened again that my snap refused to start, I checked the directory /var/lib/snapd/snap/my-snap/19 and it was empty. After a AppVm restart it contains all files and the snap is starting. (Template for the AppVM is fedora 32)

tlaurion commented 3 years ago

Hello there, couple questions on flatpak/snap usage here.

Let's take for granted the usage of the following apps: session-desktop, riseup-vpn, signal-desktop; which distributes themselves as snap images through snap default repositories.

Let's take for granted that only snapd and qubes-snapd-helper are installed in TemplateVM, while those applications are installed as snap install app in target AppVM. (snap install session-desktop riseup-vpn signal-desktop)

Basically: would you recommend to QubesOS users to use snap/flatpak? This is in link with @DemiMarie comment here: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1939#issuecomment-846733739

I am still not convinced about flatpak/snap and am looking to have my mind changed. Thanks


andrewdavidwong commented 2 years ago

FYI, @micahflee has just published "Qube Apps: a Flatpak-based app store for each qube", which looks very cool and might be of interest to folks here.