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Improve auto_cleanup mechanism #4984

Open DemiMarie opened 5 years ago

DemiMarie commented 5 years ago

The problem you're addressing (if any) Some DispVMs are meant to be removed after they die, and leave no trace of their existence (except possibly logs). These include ones created by qrexec and by SaltStack. Others are somewhat more permanent: while the VM itself has no persistent state, some metadata (device assignments, qrexec policies, etc) should be preserved after the VM shuts off. For example, this includes sys-usb if it is a DispVM.

Describe the solution you'd like I propose that the qube name be used to distinguish these cases. Under this proposal, qube names that begin with disp are reserved as follows:

Where is the value to a user, and who might that user be? This mostly benefits users who make heavy use of SaltStack or qvm-run --dispvm. While the second case will go away in Qubes 4.1, the first will not, and has similar problems.

Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context This is related to a bug reported against Docker. Both involved clients needing to clean up temporary resources after use, even though the server could have done that just as easily.

Relevant documentation you've consulted None so far

Related, non-duplicate issues


marmarek commented 5 years ago

There is a proper for marking such VMs already: a DispVM class has a auto_cleanup property which means: remove the VM when it's terminated. I think it's much more elegant than reserving some particular names. In relation to this issue, the mechanism should be extended to:

brendanhoar commented 5 years ago

@marmarek if I may, I would suggest a bullet point covering cleanup of some of these remnants even if the system were not shutdown cleanly. e.g. volatile storage that was not removed in the last session.

marmarek commented 5 years ago

I'd prefer this (removing DispVM data after unclean shutdown) as a separate issue. Some of it is already done, but apparently not everything.