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Custom qubes colors #7736

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

How to file a helpful issue

The problem you're addressing (if any)

The current Qubes color palette is limited, which could be a problem for people with lots of qubes.

The solution you'd like

We could embed an RGB or (HSV, CMYK) color picker into the Qubes manager, so that the user can pick their desired color.

The value to a user, and who that user might be

For example, a very paranoid user with something like twenty qubes, the default color palette is very limited, besides, this way, we let people choose the color based on their own threat model and rules.

I think that this is the best way, instead of including more hard-coded colors (like on #6752 and #2523)

andrewdavidwong commented 1 year ago

Note that this was already considered in the other issues you referenced, and reasons were given against it. (See those issues for details.)

GWeck commented 1 year ago

It would already be a good help if the current static list of colors were extended to the 11 colors proposed by @Ninaviz in https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/6752. Hopefully, this would not need an extensive amount of work, as this then still would be a static list, just a bit longer.

kennethrrosen commented 2 weeks ago

Much of this work (GUI included) has been done by @alimirjamali https://github.com/alimirjamali/personal-qubesos/tree/main/qubes-label-tt

alimirjamali commented 2 weeks ago

Much of this work (GUI included) has been done by @alimirjamali https://github.com/alimirjamali/personal-qubesos/tree/main/qubes-label-tt

The current (working & tested) prototype is written in bash. I need to finish rewriting it in Python and finalize the GTK GUI, also implement more of Qubes OS project management views on how it should work. Such as this one.