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Periodically vacuum journalctl in dom0 and domU's #9559

Open Geblaat opened 2 weeks ago

Geblaat commented 2 weeks ago

How to file a helpful issue

The problem you're addressing (if any)

The journalctl grows larger over time, using up more and more disk space. I installed Qubes 4.2 about 6 months ago and the journalctl in dom0 was already 1.2GB. AppVM's are about 400MB per VM. (Though they were imported from a previous Qubes installation, so they're older. Still, with a lot of AppVM's the disk usage can grow quite fast.

The solution you'd like

Automatically vacuum/clean journalctl in dom0 and domU's. Use a sane default to keep the last 30 days for example, so that does not hurt tracking down bugs.

The value to a user, and who that user might be

Keeps disk usage from growing too much for all users.

Completion criteria checklist

(This section is for developer use only. Please do not modify it.)

Eric678 commented 1 week ago

I mentioned this years ago when qmemman was spamming the journal - would get up to the default max of 4GB eventually. The correct solution is to set SystemMaxUse=xxxM in /etc/systemd/journald.conf in dom0 and all templates. Just something one has to do with a complete new installation or new template. Perhaps it should be documented somewhere.