QubitProducts / bamboo

HAProxy auto configuration and auto service discovery for Mesos Marathon
Apache License 2.0
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Zookeeper config not being updated with automatically created ACLs #140

Open dwstevens opened 9 years ago

dwstevens commented 9 years ago

We are using the following template to automatically create ACLs for our mesos cluster resources:

frontend http-in
        bind *:80
        {{ $services := .Services }}
        {{ range $index, $app := .Apps }} {{ if hasKey $services $app.Id }} {{ $service := getService $services $app.Id }}
        acl {{ $app.EscapedId }}-aclrule {{ $service.Acl}}
        use_backend {{ $app.EscapedId }}-cluster if {{ $app.EscapedId }}-aclrule
        {{ else }}

        # This is the default proxy criteria
        acl {{ $app.EscapedId }}-aclrule hdr(host) -i {{ $app.Env.SUBDOMAIN }}.domain.com
        use_backend {{ $app.EscapedId }}-cluster if {{ $app.EscapedId }}-aclrule
        {{ end }} {{ end }}

When we add a new Marathon task with the SUBDOMAIN ENV, the /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg is successfully updated.

        # This is the default proxy criteria
        acl ::mcp-aclrule hdr(host) -i mcp.domain.com
        use_backend ::mcp-cluster if ::mcp-aclrule

But /api/state does not have a defined service for MCP

  "Apps": [{
    "Id": "/mcp",
    "EscapedId": "::mcp",
    "HealthCheckPath": "/status",
    "HealthChecks": [{
      "Protocol": "HTTP",
      "Path": "/status",
      "PortIndex": 0
    "Tasks": [{
      "Host": "XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com",
      "Port": 31000,
      "Ports": [31000]
    "ServicePort": 10004,
    "ServicePorts": [10004],
    "Env": {
      "MONGO": "XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com:31002",
      "NODE_ENV": "staging",
      "SUBDOMAIN": "mcp"
    "Labels": {}
  }, {
    "Id": "/mongo",
    "EscapedId": "::mongo",
    "HealthCheckPath": "",
    "HealthChecks": [{
      "Protocol": "TCP",
      "Path": "/",
      "PortIndex": 0
    "Tasks": [{
      "Host": "XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com",
      "Port": 31002,
      "Ports": [31002]
    "ServicePort": 10001,
    "ServicePorts": [10001],
    "Env": {
      "SUBDOMAIN": "mongo"
    "Labels": {}
  }, {
    "Id": "/npm-registry",
    "EscapedId": "::npm-registry",
    "HealthCheckPath": "/",
    "HealthChecks": [{
      "Protocol": "HTTP",
      "Path": "/",
      "PortIndex": 0
    "Tasks": [{
      "Host": "XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com",
      "Port": 31000,
      "Ports": [31000]
    "ServicePort": 10000,
    "ServicePorts": [10000],
    "Env": {},
    "Labels": {}
  }, {
    "Id": "/sark",
    "EscapedId": "::sark",
    "HealthCheckPath": "/status",
    "HealthChecks": [{
      "Protocol": "HTTP",
      "Path": "/status",
      "PortIndex": 0
    "Tasks": [{
      "Host": "XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com",
      "Port": 31001,
      "Ports": [31001]
    "ServicePort": 10002,
    "ServicePorts": [10002],
    "Env": {
      "MONGO": "XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com:31002",
      "NODE_ENV": "staging",
      "SUBDOMAIN": "sark"
    "Labels": {}
  }, {
    "Id": "/tron",
    "EscapedId": "::tron",
    "HealthCheckPath": "/",
    "HealthChecks": [{
      "Protocol": "HTTP",
      "Path": "/",
      "PortIndex": 0
    "Tasks": [{
      "Host": "XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com",
      "Port": 31000,
      "Ports": [31000]
    "ServicePort": 10003,
    "ServicePorts": [10003],
    "Env": {
      "NODE_ENV": "staging",
      "SUBDOMAIN": "app"
    "Labels": {}
  "Services": {
    "/mongo": {
      "Id": "/mongo",
      "Acl": "hdr(host) -i mongo.domain.com"
    "/npm-registry": {
      "Id": "/npm-registry",
      "Acl": "hdr(host) -i npm.domain.com"
    "/sark": {
      "Id": "/sark",
      "Acl": "hdr(host) -i sark.quantumbio.com"
    "/tron": {
      "Id": "/tron",
      "Acl": "hdr(host) -i app.domain.com"

And if we look in Zookeeper, we see that MCP is not stored there.

ubuntu@ip-10-0-31-124:/usr/lib/zookeeper/bin$ ./cli_mt internal-zookeeper-XXXXus-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com:80 
Got a new session id: 0xdf4e154e0f670007
ls /bamboo
time = 2 msec
/bamboo: rc = 0
time = 2 msec

Do we need to do something special to get Bamboo to add an automatically created ACL to zookeeper?

MCP is listed but with no ACL, even though haproxy.cfg contains correct ACL info.


j1n6 commented 9 years ago

Were you able to access mcp service via haproxy? The user interface only shows information for custom configured apps (when it's green). When the configuration is set in template without any custom ACL rules, it shows white background.

Services section in /api/state only list custom configuration for each Marathon app. The custom configuration overrides the default specified in the template.

xiaods commented 8 years ago

not bug?

j1n6 commented 8 years ago

not quite seen any behaviour in our production yet. @dwstevens any updates?