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ADMS is a code generator for the Verilog-AMS language
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`elsif directive supported? #113

Open dwarning opened 1 year ago

dwarning commented 1 year ago

LRM 2.4.1 allows:

`ifdef THIS
this code
`elsif THAT
that code
other code

With my admsXml version 2.3.7 I have the impression THAT code is never reached - falling through to other code. In which file the directives are defined? Can I extend them?

tvrusso commented 1 year ago

A very quick scan of ADMS's preprocessor lexer and parser shows that it supports only ifdef, ifndef, else, and endif, not elsif.

Odd that it doesn't puke on the elsif even though its preprocessor lexer and parser don't recognize it.

I did a quick test by creating: foobar.va:

`ifdef THIS
`elsif THAT

and running it through admsXml:

> admsXml -DTHIS=1 -e ~/src/ADMS/scripts/vlatovla.xml foobar.va 
[info...] admsXml-2.3.7 (f05b7d6ac7d6) Sep 15 2021 09:30:43
[info...] [./foobar.va:3]: macro `elsif is undefined
[fatal..] ./foobar.va: during lexical analysis syntax error at line 2 -- see 'foo'
> less .foobar.va.adms 
# 1 "./foobar.va"

# 8 "./foobar.va"

So in fact it does emit an error on the elsif, just not a fatal one. And then essentially it does the wrong thing and passes both the if and elsif stuff through with a junk line (stripping elsif and leaving just the condition).

dwarning commented 1 year ago

May be to simple, but can we extend preprocessorLex.l preprocessorYacc.y

Should be similar to

R_ifdef : TK_PRAGMA_NAME { $$=$1; if(!DONT_SKIPP) { adms_slist_push(&pproot()->skipp_text,INT2ADMS(1)); adms_slist_push(&condistrue,INT2ADMS(-1)); } else if(adms_preprocessor_identifier_is_def($1)) { adms_slist_push(&condistrue,INT2ADMS(1)); adms_slist_push(&pproot()->skipp_text,INT2ADMS(0)); } else { adms_slist_push(&condistrue,INT2ADMS(0)); adms_slist_push(&pproot()->skipp_text,INT2ADMS(1)); } } ;

tvrusso commented 1 year ago

Pretty sure there would be more to it than that. Need to modify the R_conditional section and provide means for handling multiple elsif blocks.

I looked at it briefly in the hope that it would be simple enough to cram in and make a PR, but it's more than I'm willing to work on.