Simulation - Errors & Warnings window - remains in front when kept open while editing schematic
After running a simulation, and getting a report window of the errors and warnings, the simulation errors report window needs to be closed before the schematic can be worked on, if there is not enough spare screen space. Or if there is screen space, then it needs to be moved to the side (because it appears i the middle of the screen). But in either case it insists on remaining at the forefront and the main schematic window cannot be made to be in the forefront.
This seems like an inadvertant setting in the window's setup, that has not been selected properly.
Unless there is some technical programming need for the window to be closed before viewing the schematic, then the window should be able to be kept open "while" returning to work on the schematic.
A present work around is to copy and paste the text into a text editor, so it the information can be kept in view.
OS= UbuntuMate 20.04 64bit
QUCS version = 0.0.20 installed from repository
Simulation - Errors & Warnings window - remains in front when kept open while editing schematic
After running a simulation, and getting a report window of the errors and warnings, the simulation errors report window needs to be closed before the schematic can be worked on, if there is not enough spare screen space. Or if there is screen space, then it needs to be moved to the side (because it appears i the middle of the screen). But in either case it insists on remaining at the forefront and the main schematic window cannot be made to be in the forefront.
This seems like an inadvertant setting in the window's setup, that has not been selected properly.
Unless there is some technical programming need for the window to be closed before viewing the schematic, then the window should be able to be kept open "while" returning to work on the schematic.
A present work around is to copy and paste the text into a text editor, so it the information can be kept in view.
OS= UbuntuMate 20.04 64bit QUCS version = 0.0.20 installed from repository