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Prepare spice4qucs for merge #226

Closed ra3xdh closed 7 years ago

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Spice4qucs is a feature that enables to simulate Qucs analog circuits with Ngspice and Xyce engines. See #77 and #181 discussion threads for more info. I and Mike Brinson made more than 80 commits at https://github.com/Qucs/qucs/tree/spice4qucs during more than 6 months. Spice4qucs sufficiently extents power of Qucs. I think that it's time to merge it in master. We need to solve the following tasks:


guitorri commented 9 years ago

See #227 for Autotools.

There are a few warning of unused variables (isXyce). Can you add some Doxygen documentation? I just build it, I will try to find some time to use it before I give some more feedback.

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much for #227! Remaining "unused isXyce variable" warnings concerns components that have the same netlist entry for both Ngspice and Xyce. For these components isXyce parameter remains unused. I will add Doxygen task to tasklist.

guitorri commented 9 years ago

You can use default values or Q_UNUSED() macro to silence the warnings...

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

@guitorri , See last commit on upstream spice4qucs . Warnings are fixed.

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Implemented EDD in Library components support. edd_lib

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago
  1. Added simulators executable setup feature. The location of executables are now saved in QucsSettings. It is implemented through special new dialog simsettingsdialog.cpp . It is especially important for Windows Qucs users.
  2. Added Save netlist button in Simulate with spice dialog
  3. Added simulator selection combo box in diagram dialog.

new_extsimdlg sim_binary cbx_sim

MikeBrinson commented 9 years ago

Spice4qucs documentation.

I have uploaded an outline of the spice4qucs documentation structure to the Qucs-Help repo. - see https://github.com/Qucs/qucs-help.git. -- branch spice4qucs. The style is identical to the new Qucs_Help documentation.

An example of the front page, in HTML, is shown below: spice4qucs_help_doc

guitorri commented 9 years ago

@MikeBrinson the building of the documentation branch is now enabled as a preview: http://qucs-help.readthedocs.org/en/spice4qucs/index.html

For some reason the outline is a bit messed up. Perhaps because you added also the temp (.rst~) files to the repository?

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Added Doxygen documentation entries for new classes and namespaces. See my last commits on spice4qucs branch.

guitorri commented 9 years ago

@ra3xdh you might want to use the new license header. It makes it easier/shorter to add multiple authors, one per line... Anyway, this should be updated everywhere in the code some day...

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Added Xyce Parallel (with openMPI) support: xyce_par new_simset

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Added first part of examples. See my last commits. Examples are in examples/ngspice and examples/xyce subdirectories. Every example has comment on schematic. The list of examples:

  1. B-src.sch --- B-type sources usage. Voltage multiplier.
  2. BJT-swp.sch --- Parameter sweep example
  3. BJT.sch --- BJT 1-stage amplifier with example of euqations. (AC and TRAN analysis)
  4. BJT_dc.sch DC sweep example. IV-chart of BJT.
  5. EDD-Q-test.sch EDD with charge equations (nonlinear capacitance example)
  6. RCL.sch Simple RCL circuit (AC and TRAN).
  7. Realy.sch --- switching circuit with relay and inductive load.
  8. Tunnel.sch --- Tunnel diode example. DC sweep usage with EDD.
  9. audio_amp.sch --- Audio amplifier. Realistic circuit example.
  10. irfz44_switch.sch --- MOSFET switching circuit.
  11. par_sweep_test.sch --- Parameter sweep (AC+TRAN) with RCL circuit
  12. quarz.sch --- Crystal resonator subcircuit
  13. quarz_test.sch --- Test of subcircuits with spice4qucs.
  14. LM358_spice_prj.tar.gz --- A project example with Spice-netlists.
  15. hb_test.sch --- Harmonic balance simulation with Xyce
MikeBrinson commented 9 years ago

Hello Vadim I have added the XSPICE Cmeter component to spice4qucs.  This works byconnecting its input node to a circuit node. If one or more standard capacitors are attached to the circuit node the Cmeter outputs their total capacitance value.  The attachment gives an example of how it works. As it is a measurement probe I have added it to the Qucs probe group with the icon colour codedto indicate it only works with ngspice.

I will also push the RCLadder example to examples/ngspice with an added comment.

One other point - I have noted that the netlist button on the spice simulation window has a typo. Mike Brinson

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

@MikeBrinson , fixed typo and added missing archived example project.

MikeBrinson commented 9 years ago

Hello VadimThanks for the changes. I have done some more testing of spice4qucs and find that it is broken.The problem seems to be the result of the change on the 26 April calledEnable double quotes in properties .....  Spice4qucs downloaded versions after this change appear not to work.  Component property texts are all mixed up -the attached examples show what happens.  This results in ngspice simulation failure.In some cases, using standard components and the custom ngspice simulation, simulationworks.  However, on plotting any data spice4qucs core dumps and crashes. I have tried the latest spice4qucs code on both 32 and 64 bit Lubuntu Linux and the same result happens using either implementation. Would you please check to see if you can reproduce this bug. Best wishes. Mike  Mike Brinson

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

@MikeBrinson, Crashes on opening diagram take place only if there are no datasets in current directory. This should be fixed in my last commit on spice4qucs. Also there were three schematic with wrong default dataset (specified inside XML *.sch --- this take place when schematic was renamed with File Manager instead of using "SaveAs" function ). This also was reason of crashes. These schematics are repaired. Now crashes should disappear for any combinations of datasets and broken schematics. The reason of this bug was in this commit https://github.com/Qucs/qucs/commit/8549c8bf5431ccdec009a8443027e178d5a949f3

I cannot reproduce bug when opening schematic with Custom simulation. All my circuits with custom simulation can be opened correctly. Please provide me sample of such circuit. I will fix bug if confirmed or repair *.sch. All examples from example directory also are opened correctly. Your report about broken schematics in examples is very strange. There are no missing properties in components. Maybe at some point old schematic became incompatible. Send them to me and I will repair them.

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

I begin work on Chapter 2 "Basic Qucs, ngspice and Xyce simulation" of our documentation. I will push it in spice4qucs branch of qucs-help repository next week.

MikeBrinson commented 9 years ago

Hello Vadim Thanks for your good news on spice4qucs documentation preparation. i have almost finished Chapter 1.  This outlines the background to the reasons forspice4qucs and the advantages it will bring to Qucs.  At the end of Chapter 1. I will include an example which shows how all the parts of the package fit together.  A fewadditional notes will (1)  introduce the tutorial nature of Chapter 2., and (2) introduce the scope of the reference material presented in later chapters. I think we should also add a list of authors and the usual GPL copyright notice after the title on the first page.  Do you agree? Best wishes. Mike  Mike Brinson

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

I think we should also add a list of authors and the usual GPL copyright notice after the title on the first page. Do you agree?

Yes, I agree. This information can be placed.

MikeBrinson commented 9 years ago

Hello Vadim Thanks for fixing the core dump bugs.I have downloaded the latest code and run it.All seems back to normal again.   If I find morebugs I will email you. Best wishes. Mike  Mike Brinson

MikeBrinson commented 9 years ago

Hello Vadim I have pushed a revised version of Chapter 1 of the spice4qucs-help document to the spice4qucs repo.This includes about 90% of Chapter 1 plus a revised index page presenting the author and copyright information.My next task is to build the introductory example outlining the new features introduced by the spice4qucs initiative.I will try and find time for this over the next few days. Have a good weekend. Best wishes. Mike  Mike Brinson

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

I have pushed first part of Chapter 2 in spice4uqcs branch of qucshelp. Chapter 2 contains the following sections: 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Supported simulators 2.3 General simulation methods 2.4 Variable names 2.5 DC 2.6 AC 2.7 TRAN 2.8 Other forms of simulation

MikeBrinson commented 9 years ago

Hello Vadim Thanks for the Chapter 2. text and images. They look great.I will add the Qucs yellow icon after the chapter heading and edit it so it follows the styleof Chapter 1. We are making real progress towards launching version 0.0.19. If I can find time over the next few days I will add more sections to thedocumentation, add more SPICE models to the package and undertake the first tests a series of scripts for ngspice Custom simulation. Best wishes. Mike Mike Brinson

guitorri commented 9 years ago

Hi @MikeBrinson and @ra3xdh, the documentation is looking good! Ii would be nice if you could add the schematics you used to generate the images in the documentation repository. Later on someone might want to either translate the documentation or rerun the examples...

MikeBrinson commented 9 years ago

Hello GuilhermiAdding the documentation examples to the documentation repository is planned.At the moment we are at a very early stage in producing the documentation - giveus a few more weeks and the overall structure will become a lot clearer.  As we progressthe new documentation will provide both an interesting document for beginners and a valuablesource of reference information. We will keep everyone informed of our progress. See new pushes to the repo. over the next few days. Best wishes. Mike  Mike Brinson

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

@guitorri , Example of the test RCL circuit is in examples/ngspice/RCL.sch . I will add a link to this circuit in documentation.

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Hello all,

I have added the following improvements in spice4qucs subsystem:

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Added DISTORTION and FOURIER analysis examples:

examples/ngspice/BJT-four.sch examples/ngspice/Distortion.sch

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Added Chapter 4 of documentation. This chapter covers equations usage with spice4qucs for parametrization and postprocessing purposes. All is available at spice4qucs branch of qucs-help.

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

New features and components addition is finished. At current state spice4qucs branch could be frozen. Only bugfixes will be added. We take course on rebase and merging in master. Documentation preparation will be continued until all new features will be documented.

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

I have tried to rebase spice4qucs today. Here is rebased spice4qucs branch https://github.com/Qucs/qucs/tree/rebase_spice4qucs. Please test all again carefully. Don't merge it! For unknown reason automatic rebase of QTextEdit->QPlainTextEdit replacement went wrong. It was needed to replace QTextEdit->QPlainTextEdit manually. Please check this commit https://github.com/ra3xdh/qucs/commit/f656a946b0679b8c2f04f7d4fed987d115538c95 especially.

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

rebase_spice4qucs proposed for merge. See #275

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Updated tasklist according recent discussion .

guitorri commented 9 years ago

Have you made any progress on testing?

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

@guitorri I will try to add test this weekend. It's no sense to add Xyce in tests, because there is no such package in Linux distributions. Ngspice tests require ngspice installed. I think the following test projects will be sufficient for the first time:

  1. RCL-circuit (AC+TRAN)
  2. BJT amplifier (AC+TRAN+Equations)
  3. BJT amplifier (AC+TRAN+Parameter sweep)
felix-salfelder commented 9 years ago

no such [xyce] package in Linux distributions

FWIW: there is a draft (here)[http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-electronics/xyce.git/]. its not official (nobody ever cared) yet but it worked the last time i built it. yes, you need the trilinos package. it's also in the works, haven't touched that for a year or two now...

ra3xdh commented 7 years ago

Closing, because #275 is closed. Use issue tracker at my home repository to report issues on Qucs-S.