Qucs / qucsator

Circuit simulator of the Qucs project
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Switch-mode BJT transient simulation failed #19

Open ra3xdh opened 9 years ago

ra3xdh commented 9 years ago

Transient simulation for some types of bipolar transistors (switch-mode) failed. 2N2222A works ok, but 2N3055 fails. This bug appears for some other types of BJTs and with some conditions for MOSFETs.

Schematic is here: 2n3055

It is available also at Gist: https://gist.github.com/ra3xdh/6cd1996486c1c5e59e32/download Simulation log is here.

WARNING: TR1: inserted virtual resistance at node `_net0' connected to [R2,V1]
WARNING: TR1: inserted virtual resistance at node `_net2' connected to [_Rbb#Q2N3055_1,R2,R4]
WARNING: TR1: inserted virtual resistance at node `_base#Q2N3055_1' connected to [_Rbb#Q2N3055_1,Q2N3055_1]
WARNING: TR1: inserted virtual resistance at node `_net1' connected to [R5,V2]
WARNING: TR1: inserted virtual resistance at node `_collector#Q2N3055_1' connected to [_Rc#Q2N3055_1,Q2N3055_1]
ERROR: TR1: Jacobian singular at t = 1.000e-10, aborting transient analysis
guitorri commented 9 years ago

For some reason the system is becoming singular. The warnings are coming from here: https://github.com/Qucs/qucs/blob/master/qucs-core/src/nasolver.cpp#L184

broucaries commented 9 years ago

Using eigen advanced solver will help here.

in3otd commented 9 years ago

it seems that there are several issues here:

AndreaLu commented 4 years ago

I wanted to report another switching circuit where transient simulation generates a singular jacobian (cockroft-walton voltage multiplier): screenshot simlog.txt netlist.txt

in3otd commented 4 years ago

thanks; could you please attach also the schematic file (you can rename it to a .txt, it's actually a text file). The netlist above here runs fine - but it might just be due to some small differences in the actual binary code (optimizations, etc.) Which version of Qucs are you running and on which OS?

AndreaLu commented 4 years ago

I'm running Qucs 0.0.19 under Windows 10 64bit. I might have changed something but it's still generating that error. multiplier.txt

in3otd commented 4 years ago

ok, also simulating from the schematic here it runs fine: image but it fails when changing a little the simulation end time. I'm using the 0.0.20 release candidate on Linux and as mentioned sometimes we saw differences between platforms - I don't remember any changes to the transient solver for this release.

If you want to try if the latest code behaves differently, you can try the code from here.

AndreaLu commented 4 years ago

I too did experience similar things. I don't know a whole lot of circuit simulation, but if the error is highly time dependant would it make sense, as a temporary patch, to try to avoid the exact time step that generates error? Cause I see this is a very old issue. something like this

in3otd commented 4 years ago

yes, the issue is very old and unfortunately not much progress has been made. I have some code here locally which tries to improve things but it's not yet stable/fully working. The Qucs simulator already does something similar to what you suggested (and of course spice and others do too and with much more refined algorithms) but the devil is in the details. E.g. sometimes the simulator tries to go back in time and "sees" that it needs to reduce the time step but this can cause numerical issues due to the small differences involved. One thing that should be easy is to tell the simulator to slow down when an independent source, as the pulse generator in your schematic, is about to do a fast change, but also here there are a few pitfalls.