Qudor-Engineer / DMD32

A library for driving the Freetronics 512 pixel dot matrix LED display "DMD", a 32 x 16 layout using ESP32.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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HUB12 Monochrome matrix not working with ESP32 #21

Open Mahadkz opened 1 year ago

Mahadkz commented 1 year ago

I am trying to work with HUB12 matrices monochrome with P10 but they just do not work no matter what code I try the displays just respond the same they turn on all the LEDs. For example I tried this


include "fonts/SystemFont5x7.h"

include "fonts/Arial_Black_16_ISO_8859_1.h"

//Fire up the DMD library as dmd




//Timer setup //create a hardware timer of ESP32 hw_timer_t * timer = NULL;

void IRAM_ATTR triggerScan() { dmd.scanDisplayBySPI(); }

void setup(void) {

// return the clock speed of the CPU uint8_t cpuClock = ESP.getCpuFreqMHz();

// Use 1st timer of 4 // devide cpu clock speed on its speed value by MHz to get 1us for each signal of the timer timer = timerBegin(0, cpuClock, true); // Attach triggerScan function to our timer timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &triggerScan, true); // Set alarm to call triggerScan function
// Repeat the alarm (third parameter) timerAlarmWrite(timer, 300, true);

// Start an alarm timerAlarmEnable(timer);

//clear/init the DMD pixels held in RAM dmd.clearScreen( true ); //true is normal (all pixels off), false is negative (all pixels on) Serial.begin(115200); }

void loop(void) { dmd.clearScreen( true ); dmd.selectFont(Arial_Black_16_ISO_8859_1);

const char MSG = "This Works"; dmd.drawMarquee(MSG,strlen(MSG),(32DISPLAYS_ACROSS)-1,0); long start=millis(); long timer=start; while(1){ if ((timer+30) < millis()) { dmd.stepMarquee(-1,0); timer=millis(); } } }`

same result then I tried this

`#include "DMD32.h"

// Create an instance of DMD DMD dmd(2, 1); // Assuming 2 panels wide and 1 panel high

void setup() { // Initialize DMD dmd.clearScreen(true); }

void loop() { // Write a pixel at coordinates (x, y) int x = 10; int y = 5; byte graphicsMode = GRAPHICS_NORMAL; byte pixelValue = 1; // Set to 0 for clearing the pixel, or 1 for setting the pixel dmd.writePixel(x, y, graphicsMode, pixelValue);

// Delay for some time delay(1000); }`

I even tried examples that come with Libraries but It doesn't work the connections are according to the DMD32 Library

'#define PIN_DMD_nOE 22 // D22 active low Output Enable, setting this low lights all the LEDs in the selected rows. Can pwm it at very high frequency for brightness control.

define PIN_DMD_A 19 // D19

define PIN_DMD_B 21 // D21

define PIN_DMD_CLK 18 // D18_SCK is SPI Clock if SPI is used

define PIN_DMD_SCLK 2 // D02

define PIN_DMD_R_DATA 23 // D23_MOSI is SPI Master Out if SPI is used'

I tried changing panels both are okay used one at a time and both as well I am using ESP32 DEV Kit. Any help will be appreciated

FrenzyExists commented 2 months ago

Too late of a reply, but I think the issue has to do with the chip the HUB12 uses. I never used that display before, I used the p10, but still, check the mcus that manage the matrix, if its not the same as the p10 then that could be the reason it never worked