Querz / mcaselector

A tool to select chunks from Minecraft worlds for deletion or export.
MIT License
3.18k stars 177 forks source link

unhandled exception in ProcessDataJob java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 193536 out of bounds for length 193536 #381

Open O2theC opened 2 years ago

O2theC commented 2 years ago

there is a part of the image that is being generated as if part of the map isn't there, the blocks are 1x1 lines but theses show on other parts of the map and I am using the CLI mode to generate the image, when running the command I get an error, I do not know if this is causing the map error but might as well put this on here in case it is

I got a .bat file that I use to run it here is the log https://pastebin.com/Ke4kbXy1 I have changed the username for files to user I also had to redact 1 of the folder names

working on a world that is private so i can't post images or world files on here, i am willing to send some if it is needed for more info

added the --debug flag on and ran .bat file added mcaselector.log, part of the log has been redacted since world is private

if more info is needed or if you have any questions just ask

O2theC commented 1 year ago

it seems to have fixed itself on its own, but I am still having weird error messages and other weird stuff when using the CLI, then again I am pretty sure the world I am using it on is an edge case considering how big and complex it is, if u want any more info just put something on here and I will hopefully see it at some point, I don't know that much about github