Vector Data Formats
GeoJSON - JSON format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures.
Shapefile (.shp) - A popular format for vector data, developed by ESRI.
KML (Keyhole Markup Language) - XML format used for geographic visualization, often with Google Earth.
GML (Geography Markup Language) - XML-based format by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
GPX (GPS Exchange Format) - For GPS data like waypoints, tracks, and routes.
WKT (Well-Known Text) - Textual format for representing vector geometry.
WKB (Well-Known Binary) - Binary equivalent of WKT.
TopoJSON - Extension of GeoJSON, representing topology.
CSV (with latitude and longitude) - Simple format for spatial data points.
Raster Data Formats
GeoTIFF - Tagged Image File Format with geospatial metadata.
JPEG 2000 - Supports geospatial metadata, often used for large images.
ECW (Enhanced Compression Wavelet) - High-compression raster format.
MrSID - Used for compressing large raster datasets.
PNG/JPEG with World File (.wld) - Image format with an auxiliary file for geospatial positioning.
NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) - Often used for scientific data.
3D Data Formats
LAS/LAZ - LIDAR data format.
3D Tiles - Optimized for streaming 3D geospatial data.
COLLADA (.dae) - 3D model format, sometimes used for geospatial models.
GLTF - Efficient format for 3D models and geospatial data.
Other Specialized Formats
MBTiles - SQLite database for storing map tiles.
PBF (Protocol Buffer Format) - Encoded vector tiles, commonly used with Mapbox.
GeoPackage (GPKG) - SQLite-based format for both vector and raster data.
SHPX - Shapefile variation for use with cloud services.
HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) - Often used for storing scientific data including geographic data.
Binary Flatgeobuf - High-performance flat binary encoding for spatial data.
Vector Data Formats GeoJSON - JSON format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. Shapefile (.shp) - A popular format for vector data, developed by ESRI. KML (Keyhole Markup Language) - XML format used for geographic visualization, often with Google Earth. GML (Geography Markup Language) - XML-based format by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). GPX (GPS Exchange Format) - For GPS data like waypoints, tracks, and routes. WKT (Well-Known Text) - Textual format for representing vector geometry. WKB (Well-Known Binary) - Binary equivalent of WKT. TopoJSON - Extension of GeoJSON, representing topology. CSV (with latitude and longitude) - Simple format for spatial data points. Raster Data Formats GeoTIFF - Tagged Image File Format with geospatial metadata. JPEG 2000 - Supports geospatial metadata, often used for large images. ECW (Enhanced Compression Wavelet) - High-compression raster format. MrSID - Used for compressing large raster datasets. PNG/JPEG with World File (.wld) - Image format with an auxiliary file for geospatial positioning. NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) - Often used for scientific data. 3D Data Formats LAS/LAZ - LIDAR data format. 3D Tiles - Optimized for streaming 3D geospatial data. COLLADA (.dae) - 3D model format, sometimes used for geospatial models. GLTF - Efficient format for 3D models and geospatial data. Other Specialized Formats MBTiles - SQLite database for storing map tiles. PBF (Protocol Buffer Format) - Encoded vector tiles, commonly used with Mapbox. GeoPackage (GPKG) - SQLite-based format for both vector and raster data. SHPX - Shapefile variation for use with cloud services. HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) - Often used for storing scientific data including geographic data. Binary Flatgeobuf - High-performance flat binary encoding for spatial data.