I am at a loss at how to resolve the below error:
I have tried installing the chialisp language package in both the manual and automated fashions on different devices and operating systems but have received an error each time. Is the below referenced module "tree-sitter-chialisp" contained within the .zip or is this compiled at time of installation? Is it possible to manually load this module?
download .zip from Github
extract and copy contents to ~/.atom/packages directory
C:\Users\donot.atom\packages\language-chialisp-master\grammars\chialisp.cson in C:\Users\donot.atom\packages\language-chialisp-master\grammars\chialisp.cson"
Atom: 1.58.0 x64
Electron: 9.4.4
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Thrown From: language-chialisp package 1.0.4
Stack Trace
Failed to load a language-chialisp package grammar
At Cannot find module 'tree-sitter-chialisp'
Require stack:
- C:\Users\donot\.atom\packages\language-chialisp-master\grammars\chialisp.cson in C:\Users\donot\.atom\packages\language-chialisp-master\grammars\chialisp.cson
Error: Cannot find module 'tree-sitter-chialisp'
Require stack:
- C:\Users\donot\.atom\packages\language-chialisp-master\grammars\chialisp.cson
at Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:797:17)
at o._resolveFilename (electron/js2c/renderer_init.js:43:689)
at Function.get_Module._resolveFilename (<embedded>:11:157920)
at new TreeSitterGrammar (<embedded>:11:3432197)
at GrammarRegistry.createGrammar (<embedded>:11:362991)
at <embedded>:11:362832
at u (<embedded>:11:584283)
at <embedded>:11:585520
at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:158:21)
at /packages/language-chialisp-master/grammars/chialisp.cson:1:1
I am at a loss at how to resolve the below error: I have tried installing the chialisp language package in both the manual and automated fashions on different devices and operating systems but have received an error each time. Is the below referenced module "tree-sitter-chialisp" contained within the .zip or is this compiled at time of installation? Is it possible to manually load this module?
"Cannot find module 'tree-sitter-chialisp' Require stack:
Atom: 1.58.0 x64 Electron: 9.4.4 OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Thrown From: language-chialisp package 1.0.4
Stack Trace
Failed to load a language-chialisp package grammar
Non-Core Packages