QuiCM / EssentialsPlus

Essentials and MoreAdminCommands plugins for Terraria, merged and bettered
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fixed max homes limit #4

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

superadmin etc. ignored "max home limit" "normal" players can't use /sethome cause they reached the limit this little "fix" should be working (tested already) max home limit is now 5 per player

QuiCM commented 9 years ago

Could you compile your code so that the binary is updated as well please?

AxisKriel commented 9 years ago

I see where the issue is, but wouldn't this allow players to have 4 more homes that they're supposed to? Because right now, it allows them to have one home less.I feel like that '+1' should simply be removed instead of changed.

EDIT: I see where you're getting at hiarni, but there's no need to make it 5 by default. SetHome uses a dynamic permission system, which will set the amount of homes a player has to what their permission is. For instance, essentials.home.delete.5 should allow them to have 5 homes, while essentials.home.delete.1 should allow only one (the permission is the same for deleting for some reason. I feel like there should be a separate essentials.home.set permission or we should just remove the doubled value in Permissions.cs). The issue right now is that you need to input a number above what players can have for it to work.

AxisKriel commented 9 years ago

35219cc373eab9c1c8f56241236abff1441009ba should address this.