[03/27/16 14:36:20] [Server API] Warning: Plugin "EssentialsPlus" has had an unhandled exception thrown by one of its GameInitialize handlers:
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Open()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.TryToGetDriver()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
at TShockAPI.DB.DbExt.QueryReader(IDbConnection olddb, String query, Object[] args)
at TShockAPI.DB.SqlTableCreator.GetColumns(SqlTable table)
at TShockAPI.DB.SqlTableCreator.EnsureTableStructure(SqlTable table)
at EssentialsPlus.Db.MuteManager..ctor(IDbConnection db)
at EssentialsPlus.EssentialsPlus.OnInitialize(EventArgs e)
at TerrariaApi.Server.HandlerCollection`1.Invoke(ArgsType args)
I'm running terraria server from a VM and the MySQL is on the 'host' of the VM. It is properly configured for the server itself, as it did succeed in creating its core database structure + it also stored users.
I'm getting the following
I'm running terraria server from a VM and the MySQL is on the 'host' of the VM. It is properly configured for the server itself, as it did succeed in creating its core database structure + it also stored users.
Any ideas?