QuickBirdEng / XCoordinator

🎌 Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern
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Implementing sliding side menu with XCoordinator #216

Open DaliborK opened 2 years ago

DaliborK commented 2 years ago

Hi, I really like this framework and would like to use it for navigating with a side menu, however, I'm stuck with its implementation into a container beside a sideMenu controller. Or would be possible to create an animation style for sliding the existing controller and showing the menu? Can you please advise on a possible way how to implement it?

jaron-m-lowe commented 2 years ago

You would need to implement your own container view controller (ie. SlideMenuController) that manages two child view controllers: a bottom (menu) and top (current screen) Your container view controller would need to have some ability to open/close the menu.

Once you have that setup you would need to do the following:

  1. Create your own SlideMenuCoordinator inherited from BaseCoordinator. Your rootViewController would be your SlideMenuController type.
  2. Create your own SlideMenuTransition based on Transition, adding open and close options for the transitions types available.
  3. Use your coordinator like normal!
farshadmb commented 2 years ago

@DaliborK Hi bro

Recently, I developed the feature you want using REFrostedViewController and XCoordinator. so, I want to share with you and the rest of the communities that used this framework.

you have to create one main coordinator and a side menu coordinator.

import XCoordinator
import REFrostedViewController
import RxSwift

enum MainRoute: Route {
    case initial
    case side
    case action(Destination)

final class MainCoordinator: BaseCoordinator<MainRoute, Transition<REFrostedViewController>> {

    required init(route: RouteType? = .initial, factory: FactoryType) {
        self.factory = factory
        super.init(rootViewController: REFrostedViewController(), initialRoute: .initial)

    override func prepareTransition(for route: RouteType) -> TransitionType {
        do {
            switch route {
            case .initial:
                let mainViewController = MainViewController()
                rootViewController.contentViewController = mainViewController

                    .bind(with: self) { (this, _) in
                    }.disposed(by: disposeBag)

                return .none()
            case .side:

                var sideMenuVC = rootViewController.menuViewController as? SideMenuViewController

                if rootViewController.menuViewController == nil {
                    sideMenuVC = SideMenuViewController()
                    rootViewController.menuViewController = sideMenuVC

                        .bind(with: self, onNext: { (this, destination) in
                            this.rootViewController.hideMenuViewController {
                        }).disposed(by: disposeBag)


                return .none()
            case .action(let destination):
                let coordinator = SideMenuCoordinator(rootViewController: rootViewController)
                return .route(destination.menuRoute(), on: coordinator)
        }catch let error {
            log.error(error, tag: Self.self)
            return .none()

    private func prepareRootViewController() {
        rootViewController.direction = .left
        rootViewController.liveBlur = false
        rootViewController.animationDuration = 0.25
        rootViewController.liveBlurBackgroundStyle = .dark
        rootViewController.blurRadius = 10.0
        rootViewController.blurTintColor = .primaryGray
        rootViewController.blurSaturationDeltaFactor = 0.5
        let width = UIScreen.main.bounds.width * 0.863_111_1
        rootViewController.limitMenuViewSize = true
        rootViewController.menuViewSize = CGSize(width: width, height: 0)


the SideMenuCoordinatoor would be

enum MenuRoute: Route {
    case inbox
    case unknown

final class SideMenuCoordinatoor: BaseCoordinator<MenuRoute, Transition<UIViewController>> {

    deinit {
        log.verbose("Deinit \(Self.self)", tag: Self.self)

   override func prepareTransition(for route: MenuRoute) -> TransitionType {
        switch (route) {
        case .inbox:
            let coordinator = InboxCoordinator()
            return .presentOnRoot(coordinator, animation: .default)
        case .unknown:
            return .none()