QuickBlox / quickblox-ios-sdk

QuickBlox iOS SDK for messaging and video calling
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Audio mode and category issues #1284

Closed maughray closed 1 year ago

maughray commented 3 years ago

New Issue Checklist

// ["iPhone Microphone"] - currentRoute.inputs
// ["BeatsStudio Wireless"] - currentRoute.outputs
// AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord / AVAudioSessionModeVideoChat - Audio session category and mode

QBRTCAudioSession.instance().setConfiguration(sessionConfig, active: true)

// ["iPhone Microphone"] - currentRoute.inputs
// ["Speaker"] - currentRoute.outputs
// AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord / AVAudioSessionModeVideoChat - Audio session category and mode

In the code above you can see that setting audio category or mode does not affect audio output. How can I set manually which audio output to use?


ghost commented 2 years ago

Hello maughray.

Thank you for contacting QuickBlox Customer Support department.

You could try to use the following IOS SDK method in order to achieve the required option, URL: https://docs.quickblox.com/docs/ios-video-calling-advanced#audio-output
Make sure that you disable "AVAudioSessionModeVideoChat" mode.

By default there is no way to manually set the required input device before/during the call both in IOS and QuickBlox IOS SDK.

Let us know if you have any additional questions regarding the provided information.

Have a good day.